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Well, cats are naturally clean animals,so some cats hate the ways the litter feel and how it gets stuck to there can help this by using a different kind of litter...the cleanest would be shredded newspaper...that wont get stuck to the fur...or you can get a natural pine litter

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a cat pees on your clothes for no reason

No that is not true, most of the time they do have a reason. They are insecure and/or upset at you for some reason, so they express themselves. It is up to you to figure out what your cat is doing and why, then how to fix it.

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Q: Why would a cat pee on clothes when their litter box is clean?
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How long can you keep litter in a litter-box?

A week. The litter can get all moldy and you should clean out the litter box once a week.

Your cat is peeing right outside a clean litter box what do you do?

YOu need to clean around the litter box with sent distrying cleaner

What happens if you don't clean the litter box?

Cat feces will accumulate.

Why is your cat not using litter box?

The litter box may not be clean enough for the cat or the cat feels uncomfortable in the litter box; a litter box should be cleaned every day or every second day, depending on how many cats you have. Maybe the cat does not know where the litter box is, if you move the litter box and don't show the cat its new location the cat won't know where the box is. The cat also mightn't be trained to use a litter box properly and might need a little help using it. Also, if a cat is very old, they mightn't realise they have to use the litter box or they do not have time to get to the litter box before they urinate etc. . The cat could also be sick.if your cat is just a kitten then the box might be too clean the kitten must smell where the toilet is.

Cat keeps pooing in same spot on the floor why?

It smells like crap so he thinks it's the litter box. Which means you should clean your litter box.

Is it harmful to have a cat litter box in your bedroom?

Not at all! A bedroom may be an ideal place for a litter box if the room is a quiet and peaceful place, unless you or anyone else using that room is pregnant. Cats will only go in places where they feel safe so a quiet and private corner is the best place for a litter box. Be sure to clean out any waste daily to limit any possible smells lingering in the room, and to encourage the cat to keep using the litter box.

What is the purpose of a cat litter mat?

A cat mat is used to keep the cat litter box area clean. A cat mat is placed under the litter box so that if any litter gets out of the litter box, it goes on the cat mat instead of the floor.

How would one sanitize a cat litter pan?

You should minimal clean your cat litter pan 2 a week, and you can use cat friendly desinfect. You should also shovel your cat his poo immediately after he is done. So the litter pan stays cleaner.

Do kittens always remember to always use their litter box?

When first litter training, it is a good idea to place kitty into the litter box after each meal, before bed, and a few more times a day. If kitty makes a mistake, thoroughly clean the area with disinfectant, and deposit the waste into the litter box, and place kitty there immediately after finding the mistake. Be sure to clean the litter box every day, since a dirty litter box will deter kitty, and will be hard to cure.

Would you keep a sponge after using it to clean a cat litter box and the clean it with soap and water?

No. Sponges are notorious for rapidly growing harmful bacteria. You should throw this sponge away.

Why does your house-trained dog now go inside by the cat litter box and beside the toilet?

It sounds like your dog is marking due to the ammonia smell of the litter box and the toilet. Make sure you clean up with a non-ammonia based cleaner, and keep the litter box clean, or out of the dog's reach. If you can't do that, you might clean the box thoroughly and switch to a different litter. Hopefully that will help. If your dog is an un-neutered male, they are also more likely to mark, so neutering will probably help.

How do you stop my cats from coming in the house and using the bath room what is a good home remedy?

If your cat is an indoor/outdoor cat. You must provide a clean place for him or her to use the bathroom inside as well as out. Get a plastic litter box at a local pet store, put about 3" of litter in the bottom. Most litter box kits come with the plastic pan and scoop to clean it out with. Cats are very clean animals. They are also extremely smart. Show your cat where the litter box is located and it should not take long at all for him/her to know it's there and begin using it. I have six cats; four of which were strays. I have not had any problems with any of them going to the bathroom anywhere other than in the litter box. I promise you will not have a problem if you provide her/him with a litter box with clean litter and leave it in an area where they can access it. You need to scoop out the litter box at least every other day. Enjoy your cats, they depend on you, and provide unwavering love to you. :)