

Why is your ferret sneezing?

Updated: 10/8/2023
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8y ago

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Sneezing is not much to worry about they do that often

But for the throwing up, ferrets are really not supposed to throw up. She may have a hair ball which can cause alot of damage, i recommend taking her to the vet and collecting the throw up if you can, or even try giving her some LAX they sell it in any store that has ferrets. Give her some of that and see what happens in 1 day. If nothing changes take her to see your vet.

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13y ago

There are several different illnesses that could make a ferret vomit, usually needing immediate veterinarian care for diagnoses. It could be an intestinal blockage, imflammatory bowel disease, helicobacter (ulcers), liver disease.

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8y ago

Ferrets sneeze for the same reasons as humans - something has irritated the lining of its nose. Ferrets often sneeze if they have been digging as some dust from whatever they were digging in may have gone in their nose. If your worried that your ferret seems to be sneezing a lot you should see a vet as your ferret may have Allergies or may have caught an illness such as the flu.

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Ferrets tend to sneeze a lot and occasional sneezing is not a great concern. Ferrets often hold their noses to force a sneeze and then "face wash" to spread scent from glands that are behind and below their ears over their faces. It is not prevalent in young kits until they're more older. When a ferret sneezes you might smell an increase in scent near the ears. Ferrets have poor eyesight, but excellent smell. Ferrets spend a great deal of time investigating and sniffing, and being close to the ground. dust will enter their nose causing them to sneeze a lot. A ferret's sneeze, which can be very loud, sounds like a combination of a cough and a sneeze. If the ferret looks healthy and does not appear to be sick, an occasional sneeze and cough isn't anything to worry about. A sneezing or cough attack a couple of times a day can be normal. If sneezing is frequent, look around. Cat litter or products you clean with, or the room could cause irritation (carpet holds dust). Also cigarette smoke (second hand smoke is very unhealthy, especially for ferrets). Humans can transfer influenza virus to ferrets very easily. If you are exhibiting signs of a cold or the flu, use caution when handling your ferret.

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A young ferret or baby ferret is known as a kit.

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Should ferret be capitalized?

No, "ferret" should not be capitalized unless it appears at the beginning of a sentence or is part of a title.

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A baby ferret is known as a kit

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What is a male female and baby ferret called?

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