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It could a fracture, a sprain, or even a break. It could an infection, and so many other things. A vet needs to actually see the horse, get better information and be able to do tests on your horse. Only then could the problem be correctly diagnosed.

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Q: Why is your horse's leg puffy and swollen from below the knee to the ankle. It is not a bowed tendon and it seems to be concentrated in her ankle.?
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The strongest tendon in the foot ankle or lower leg?

The tendon on the ankle is called the Peroneal tendon.

Did I sprain my ankle or is it Achilles Tendonitis?

Your ankle could be sprained. Achilles Tendonitis occurs when your tendon has become irritated and inflamed. This may happen for many reasons. If you have tendonitis the area of your Achilles tendon would be tender, be painful to move, and/or swollen.

What is the strong tendon at the back of the ankle?

Achiles Tendon

What is your most famous tendon and where can it be found?

The most famous tendon is the ACHILLES, it is located at the back of your ankle.

What is the nome of the largest tendon and where is it?

The largest and thickest tendon in the human body is the Achilles tendon. This tendon is located at the back of the ankle and connects the calf muscle to the actual bone of the heel.

What bone is injured when you have a sprained ankle?

A sprained ankle is a tear in a ligament or tendon, not an injury to a bone.

Your ankle is still swollen after 11days of spraining your ankle?

My ankle just stopped swelling 2 days ago witch was 2 months after I sprained it! so it may be swollen for a while

Will a boot heal a split tendon in your ankle?

Yes, in some cases, a walking boot will heal a split tendon in your ankle. A doctor will decide if the walking boot is suitable for the patient.

When examined a gap was seen between his swollen upper calf region and his heel and he was unable to plantar flex that ankle What do you think happened Why was the upper part of his calf swolle?

Sounds like an Achilles tendon injury.

What does it mean when you have only one swollen ankle and it feels like there is extra tissue there?

That feeling is probably just excess fluid from a mild sprain. Press down the tissue of the swollen ankle with your finger, then do it to your other ankle. If the swollen ankle rebounds slower then the normal ankle, it's just a sprain. Elevate and ice it. If not, seek medical advice.

What helps a swollen ankle?

A hot bath

What does a swollen ankle indicates?

I am not a doctor, but one swollen ankle is often an injury. Two swollen ankles can mean congestive heart failure. It is serious and you should see your doctor as soon as possible.