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Q: Why is your thumb swollen for no reason?
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Why is the thumb of the male frog swollen?

It is not swollen, the male frog's thumb is Enlarged.

Should you get an x ray on a swollen thumb?

NO U FOOL I dont think so hunnie

How do you know if your hand is broken?

I broke a bone in my hand and just below my thumb there was a hard lump and it was extremely swollen and purple.

Should you soak accidentally hammered thumb with loose nail?

no, u need to to the hospital immediately, in can be broken you will need to get a splint and some gauze, i broke my thumb with a hammer and had to go to the hospital, my thumb nail was purple and bleeding and my thumb was swollen. I'm 10 years old! i hit it that hard, it hurts!

How do you cure swollen thumb?

keep what ever is swollen elevated, apply a cold compress to the affected area. (but . . . if you use a bag of peas, make sure you wrap it in a towel first, because it will give you an ice burn)

Why does your hand feel swollen?

Your hand may feel swollen for many reasons. Allergies is a common one, which may be caused by a bee sting. If you had hit your hand fairly hard, that could also be the reason why your hand is swollen.

Have I fractured a bone in my hand- It has gone very swollen just below my thumb and there is a hard lump on it. It hurts to move any of my fingers and especially my thumb?

To avoid infection, nerve damage and deformity with lack of use of the hand or fingers go to a doctor.

Is your thumb the same size as your nose?

yes first i read thisinformation then i test that bout i want to know the reason>> why your thumb is the same length of your nose.

What action should be taken if the lymph nodes remain swollen and painful from cat-scratch disease?

The appearance of painful and swollen lymph nodes is another reason for consulting a doctor.

Do you still go to school if your eye is swollen?

yes, unless it is for some weird contageous reason

Can swollen glands give you a tumor?

The usual reason for swollen glands is that the lymph system has deposited toxins from the bloodstream in the glands for disposal. Swollen glands are almost always an indicator of poor health elsewhere in the system, rather than a problem in themselves.

What fingers have a pulse?

No.. the index finger does not have a pulse... for this reason, when feeling for a person's pulse, you use your middle finger and your index finger (you never use your thumb as it has a pulse)