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It depends on how long ago you took it. Are you bleeding at all? There may NOT be clots.

I didn't have a lot of bleeding- i expected it to be much worse than it was. (The pain was worse than the bleeding.)

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Q: Why isn't there any blood clots after taking 2 cytotec just cramps?
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Why do both knees hurt severely when I try to stand after sitting with them bent?

This is normally because of blood clots, if blood clots are chronic in your family then then that is your problem. it may also cause cramps.

If there had been light bleeding and then a horrible pain that hurt so much you couldn't stand and blood clots Does that mean you had a miscarriage?

No. If you feel the need, go to your local doctor and have them do a pelvic exam. Severe cramps with blood clots may indicate many things, including a miscarriage. The cramps could also just be cramps.

Is always blood a signe of a miscarriage?

Blood in early pregnancy is fairly common. If the blood is heavy (and there are clots in it) and you're having cramps along with it.. Get to your doctor as soon as you can.

Are there multiple blood clots in a miscarriage?

Yes. Accomponied by heavy bleeding and menstrual like cramps. Go to an emergency room

You are taking Lisinopril HCTZ for 3 weeks and am having cramps in your calves at night Will this go away after a few months?

You may want to go see a doctor because birth control in most cases have high risk of blood clots to be safe you'll want to check and make sure you have not developed any blood clots. i doubt that's the case but better safe then sorry.

Blood clots during your period?

blood clots doing my period

Why blood clots do not form in a blood donation?

They do not form in a blood donation because blood clots are out of our anotomy

Why are you having watery blood with blood clots?

Watery blood with blood clots can be a sign of miscarriage. You can also have an unusual menstrual cycle. If you have watery blood with blood clots you need to go to a doctor.

Can blood clots delay you period?

No. Blood clots are part of a normal period.

If a mosquitoe bites you on a scab can you get blood clots?

If a mosquito bites you on a scab you will not get blood clots. This bite may cause major irritation but it will not give you blood clots.

What causes blood clots within blood vessels?

Blood clots are caused by certain surgical procedures and diseases.

Y do we get blood clots in our blood?

People get blood clots for different reasons. The most common reason why people get blood clots is because there blood is to thick and cannot function right.