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If you feel the need, go to your local doctor and have them do a pelvic exam. Severe cramps with blood clots may indicate many things, including a miscarriage. The cramps could also just be cramps.

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Q: If there had been light bleeding and then a horrible pain that hurt so much you couldn't stand and blood clots Does that mean you had a miscarriage?
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Is that miscarriage blood after a miscarriage or your period?

The bleeding you experience during a miscarriage is notyour period. It is bleeding due to losing the baby.

What is the color of blood after a miscarriage?

* The most common and clear symptom of a miscarriage is vaginal bleeding associated with or without pain. The blood color can range from brown to bright red and could be accompanied by cramps. Bleeding could be in the form of mild spotting, persistent bleeding, heavy bleeding and passage of large clots.

How is much blood loss would be there at 5 weeks if i had a miscarriage?

Typically, a five week miscarriage would cause bleeding like a period.

If you have brown blood instead of red blood and then red blood with what looks like blood tissue about a week after taking the morining after pill is that considered a miscarriage?

No this isn't a miscarriage. Miscarriages result in extreme and intense pain which is agony and very heavy bleeding. What you experience is not a miscarriage. The blood tissue is a clot from your period.

If you just had a miscarriage is it normal to still be bleeding and cramping after a week and the blood has an odor to it?

yes very normal.

You had a day of bleeding now its turned brown you have no cramping is it a sign of miscarriage?

Brown is just old blood, if it was only slight bleeding and no cramping it was unlikely to be a miscarriage, just what is called a 'threatened' miscarriage. Your doctor may send you for an ultrasound scan just to check all is well.

Can this be implantation bleeding you miss your period for 1 month then on the first of the next month you have light bleeding for one day and passed a small blood clot?


Is watery discharge tinged with blood a miscarriage?

Not usually, red blood is a sign of a miscarriage. Depending on your stage of pregnancy it may be that your waters are leaking however and you need to see a doctor as you may be at risk of infection. answer it could be Implantation bleeding or ovulation bleeding I'm in the same situation from pink princess

Do you cramp and bleed bright red blood during a miscarriage?

Yes. If you are pregnant and are bleeding and cramping, go to the E.R. immediately. There are other complications that can cause bleeding and when medical help is sought soon enough, it may be possible to avoid miscarriage.

If you are two months pregnant and are bleeding deep red blood is it definitely a miscarriage?

Not definitely, but it is important that you go to the hospital to get checked out

Are there multiple blood clots in a miscarriage?

Yes. Accomponied by heavy bleeding and menstrual like cramps. Go to an emergency room

Does bleeding in the early stages of pregnancy mean you are having a miscarriage?

I was bleeding red blood but then brown blood does that mean I'm having a miscarriage? Ans: Not necessarily, you didn't say how far along you were, but it could be implantation bleeding, irritated cervix (from intercourse, exam, etc) or could be old blood which was in place to protect the pregnancy in it's earliest stages, but the growing uterus expelled it. If you are still worried, go see your doc.