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Because the point of a sharp nail does not encounter as much resistance as a blunt one

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Q: Why it is easier to hammer a sharp nail into the wood than a blunt one?
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Why is it easier to hammer a sharply pointed nail into a piece of wood than a blunt one?

Pointed nails part the fiber of the timber. But ... this is exactly why you do not want to use sharp nails. The sharp nails push the fibers in the wood grain apart causing the wood to split along the grain. A blunt nail crushes through the fibers leaving the grain intact.

Why a nail is made with pointed tip?

So when you go to hammer it in the wood it goes in properly, if it had a blunt end it wouldn't ease in as well. Hope this helps :)

Why is difficult to fix a blunt nail?

Because they do not have an edge or point that is sharp, they are less accurate and less refined. If you must fix a blunt nail, drill a much smaller hole first

Why a hammer which is used to drive a nail into a piece of wood can exert a greater force on the nail than the exerted by a larger mass placed on top of the nail?

The sharp point tends to work as a wedge and move the fibers off to the side. A blunt nail has to cut the fibers in order to go into the wood. This is because of pressure.

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Why it is difficult to cut a bread with blunt knife?

a blunt knife has larger surface area than a sharp one. Hence force applied will have its effect on larger area causing it difficult to cut vegetables.(its just like : a nail is hammered into the wall from its pointed side....if tried to hammer on the opposite side the result will be nothing.Aki ...

What are the different tenses of the word strike?

I will strike the nail with the hammer. I strike the nail with the hammer. I struck the nail with the hammer. I have struck the nail with the hammer.

A hammer is used to pull a nail from a piece of wood How could the hammer be modified to make the task easier?

Make The Handle Longer

Why is it easier to pull out a nail with a long-hammer than with a short-handled hammer?

the long handle provides a greater lever effect

What is the analogy for hammer is to nail?

hammer - nail screwdriver - screw

What is used instead of a nail to prevent wood from splitting?

Turn the nail upside down on a hard surface and hit it with your hammer. A dull nail breaks through the wood and a sharp one can split the wood.

What a nail and hammer seller is called?

Kiss I love their Products some have glue on them already but they fall of a bit easier