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Q: Why it is important to act immediately in case of severe bleeding?
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Why are you bleeding during pregnancy?

bleeding during pregnancy maybe an indication of a medical emmergency.please consult your doctor as fast as possible sometimes bleeding may amount to physical stress in which bedrest is advised possibilities may even be an ectopic pregnancy in which bleeding can go upto 2 litres which pregnant woman may go into serious complications in any case if any bleeding consult your doctor immediately

Can get pregnant after 20th day of period?

First of all, if you have been bleeding out of your ({}) for 20 days then you have a much bigger problem. It sounds like a severe case of vagimicosis to me. Go see your local gynocolgist.

What drug reverses the action of warfarin?

vitamin K, or, when rapid reversal is needed (such as in case of severe bleeding), with prothrombin complex concentrate.

What is a severe case of paruresis?

A severe case of paruresis would be in which the person can only urinate when alone at home.

What is hemorraging?

Hemorrhaging refers to bleeding. However, in this case it is bleeding a lot. There are different case types of hemorrhaging for the percent of blood loss.

What happens if the digestive system have a cut?

It depends where, but it's not good in any case. Most cases will have internal bleeding and intense physical pain. If the stomach is cut, acid will leak out and cause ulcers or, in severe cases, death.

When is surgery necessary for a person with Meckel's diverticulum?

The situation may be so acute that surgery is needed on an emergency basis. This is often the case with bowel obstruction. With heavy bleeding or severe pain, whatever the cause, surgery is required.

Is Bleeding at 15 weeks pregnant normal?

It depends what kind of bleeding it is. If it is heavy and/or bright and/or painful, it is not normal. If this is the case it is important to go to the hospital straight away to get checked out. If it is light and quite dark coloured, then it is probably normal and nothing to worry about.

Why is the cat bleeding through her mouth?

This could mean several things; the two most common being a dental problem or a physical injury. In either case, bleeding from the mouth should be treated as an emergency and should be looked at by a vet immediately.

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Why do you dress a bleeding wound?

To reduce bleeding if you apply a pressure dressing. And in any case, to reduce contamination of the wound.

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