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An interrupt makes the processor to jump to a vectored location in memory where the ISR is written. By observing the vectored locations for various interrupt inputs of 8085, we know that there are only 4 or 8 bytes allocated for ISR. This memory space is not sufficient for writing any code to process an interrupt. So we write a jump instruction that makes the processor jump to a location in user memory and write the ISR starting from that location.

Example: suppose there is an interrupt signal to 8085 at RST 6.5. The call location for RST 6.5 is 0034H. The address space available is 4 bytes. So if we write instruction jmp 2300H at 0034H, then we can write ISR in memory locations starting from 2300H.

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Q: Why jump instruction is invariably written in the vectored location of an interrupt request?
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What refers to a speed of an object in a certain direction?

Velocity. Velocity is a vectored quantity, with a directional component.

What gives an airplane most of its lift?

if you mean, how does an airplane fly, then its because of the angle and shape of the wings. they have a certain tip upwards that keeps them in the air. The primary lifting force is generated aerodynamically by the airfoil of the wing. Some aircraft also have a fuselage which is designed to act as an airfoil. For example the Piaggio Avanti gets approximately 20% of its lift from the body of the aircraft, allowing it to have a shorter wingspan & higher top speed. In some rare cases the thrust of the engine exhaust may be vectored slightly to provide additional lift, the Mistubishi MU-2 uses its twin turbine engines in this way to achieve higher airspeeds at lower fuel costs. However, this method also makes the aircraft very difficult to handle in the event of an engine loss.

What is the definition of decreasing velocity?

Velocity is a vector so it has magnitude (size) and direction. so to change velocity all you need to do is slow down or speed up or change direction. This is also known as acceleration which is the rate of change in velocity. Velocity is a vector so it has magnitude (size) and direction. so to change velocity all you need to do is slow down or speed up or change direction. This is also known as acceleration which is the rate of change in velocity.

What is the physics behind an arch?

Picture the arch. It resists the pull of gravity. The force of gravity is a constant, and it wants to pull the center of the span down. But the materials distribute some of the force sideways. The sides of the arch support much of the weight of the structure, but they have to be designed to resist being "pushed apart" by the arch as well as to hold it up. Take two sticks and a smooth table top. Stand the sticks a little apart and tip them to where the tops touch. Put just a bit of tape there to keep the sticks touching and pushing on each other. With a smooth table and a goodly space between the bottoms of the sticks, the sticks will slip sideways and fail to stand up. That's the "down" force of gravity acting along the stick. It pushes down, and the sticks resist. And some of the force is vectored "along" the stick and causes an "outward" push. It's an experiment that shows the "down and outward" force on the sticks, and the arch experiences similar forces. There are some other considerations that must be looked at in arch construction, but those two are the primary ones. It is the "down" and the "out" forces that are greatest in the arch. Links are provided to relevant Wikipedia posts. One is to a nice drawing, and the second is to the article on the arch. If pictures are worth a thousand words, there is a book here. And there are arches that have been standing for a thousand years, too!

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Is INTR is a non vectored interrupt?

Yes and no. INTR response requires an opcode fetch sequence from the interrupting hardware device, often a CALL instruction, so there is no vector table in memory for it, because you can CALL any location. On the other hand, some implementations provide an RST instruction as the opcode, making it a vectored interrupt.

What is the difference between polling and vectored interrupt system with example?

i need compare between vectored interrupt system and polling

What is difference between vectored and non vectored interrupts?

Vector interrupt --> when processor directly call the respective isr when interrupt occurs so, address of respective isr is usually save in register. Non interrupt Vector --> In this case when interrupt occurs the processor calls a generic isr and in generic isr uaer has to call respective isr by checking status register.

How many types of vectored interrupt in 8085 micro processer?


What is significance of 5.5 in RST5.5 interrupt?

Since The vectored Location of RST5.5 lie in Half the location of RST5 and RST6 so it is called RST 5.5(RST 5+1/2 ) Explanation: Vector Interrrupt Vectored Location RST 5 0028H RST 5.5 002CH RST 6 0030H Now we add RST5 and RST6 vectored Location's 0028H + 0030H = 0058H Now Devide The Sum by 2 0058H/2 = 002CH Which is Vectored Location of RST 5.5. This You can Check for All other vectored Interrupts TRAP(RST4.5), RST6.5, RST7.5 for 8085 Microprocessor Thanks .............. S C Patidar

Where will be the actual address of the subroutine is placed for vectored interrupts?

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What is the difference between polling and vector interrupt system?

In a computer, a vectored interrupt is an I/O interrupt that tells the part of the computer that handles I/O interrupts at the hardware level that a request for attention from an I/O device has been received and also identifies the device that sent the request. A vectored interrupt is an alternative to a polled interrupt , which requires that the interrupt handler poll or send a signal to each device in turn in order to find out which one sent the interrupt request.

Non vectored interrupt?

Stopping program flow to execute a special piece of code that handles a event.Non vectored interrupts are generally raised by input/output or slow devices.

What is interrupt vector?

When a processor is interrupted to do a particular task,Program counter should be loaded with the the address of subroutine(task).If the processor automatically generates the address then it is known as vectored interrupt.for example if 8085 microprocessor is interrupted through RST 5.5 pin,then processor multiplies 5.5 by 8 and converts it to Hex address.If user has to provide address of subroutine using CALL instruction then it is known as non vectored interrupt

What is the difference between polling and vector interrupt service routine?

polling interrupt is alternative to the vector interrupt , it requires that the interrupt handler poll or send a signal to each device in turn in order to find out which one is sent the interrupt request.....

What is programmable interrupt controller 8259A?

The Intel 8259A Programmable Interrupt Controller handles up to eight vectored priority interrupts for the CPU. It is cascadable for up to 64 vectored priority interrupts without additional circuitry. It is packaged in a 28-pin DIP, uses NMOS technology and requires a single a 5V supply. Circuitry is static, requiring no clock input.

What is interrupt mechanism?

At the beginning of each FDE cycle, each bit in the interrupt register is checked in turn. This register is a special register in the CPU that takes note of when an interrupt has happened. Each bit in the register represents a different kind of interrupt. If a bit has been set, that would indicate an interrupt has happened! The CPU has to decide whether to service the interrupt immediately, or leave it till later. For example, if 2 interrupts have happened at the same time, one of them has to wait! Which one? That depends upon which one is the least important! Some interrupts are more important than others and so need to be done before others. What about the situation where one interrupt is currently being serviced by the CPU and another happens? Again, it depends on how important the new interrupt is compared to the one already being done. If it is more important, then the cpu will want to service it immediately. When the CPU decides to service an interrupt, it stops processing the current job, 'pushing' the contents of its registers onto the stack. This would include, for example, the contents of the Program Counter and the accumulator. The CPU is now free to work on another piece of software but can return to what it was doing after the interrupt has been serviced because it has saved where it was. It then transfers control to the interrupt handling software for that type of interrupt using the vectored interrupt mechanism. When it has finished servicing the interrupt, the contents of the stack are 'popped' back into the appropriate registers and the CPU continues from where it left off before the interrupt happened.