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Q: Why magnetic north is used for most navigation purposes in an aircraft and not true north?
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In land navigation which north is your starting point or baseline?

magnetic north

Where does the needle point when you sail with a magnetized needle?

When you sail with a magnetized needle, it will point towards the magnetic north pole. This is because the needle aligns itself with the Earth's magnetic field, which is used for navigation purposes.

What do you mean by true course in navigation?

you can travel Magnetic or true courses ie magnetic north and true north. Magnetic north is by way of compass

How is the earths magnetic field used for navigation?

Compasses use the magnetic field to navigate always pointing North.

Why is it better to use a magnetic compass to find directions more than the stars and the sun?

It isn't. Navigation by the stars is far more accurate than navigation with a compass, as magnetic north is different at different locations while north determined by the stars is the same at all locations.

The needle of a compass points to what pole?

north pole Magnetic North PCH answer = Magnetic North

How Freely Suspended magnet is used in compass for navigation?

A freely suspended magnet responds to the magnetic field of the planet Earth. The Earth's magnetic north pole is close to its geographic north pole, so a compass points (approximately) north.

Why gyro compass is used in ships instead of magnetic compass?

Because a ship is made of metal, which can affect the accuracy of a standard magnetic compass. Also, a gyrocompass is is better able to point to the true north, which is more accurate to navigation than magnetic North, which is not actually true North. Link below:

When In the Northern Hemisphere if an aircraft is accelerated or decelerated the magnetic compass will normally indicate?

correctly when on a north or south heading.

Does the inner core and outer core spin separately and is this why magnetic and true north are different?

I don't think that they spin in oposite directions if that's what you mean. Magnetic north and true north are completely unrelated. True north is a geographical location that lies on earth's axis. Magnetic north is just what they call it. At somepoint they must have noticed that earth's magnetic poles seemed to line up with north and south so that's what they named magnetic poles since they could be used for navigation. The core's spinning does cause the magnetic poles to move though.

Does a compass needle always point to the north?

Yes , well mostly. It actually points to magnetic north, which isn't exactly at the North Pole. The Earth's magnetic field is offset from true geographic north and the North Magnetic Pole is currently located in northern Canada. To arrive at true north, a table of deviations can be consulted. But for most purposes, it is close enough to actual north.

Does a compass needle always points to north?

Yes , well mostly. It actually points to magnetic north, which isn't exactly at the North Pole. The Earth's magnetic field is offset from true geographic north and the North Magnetic Pole is currently located in northern Canada. To arrive at true north, a table of deviations can be consulted. But for most purposes, it is close enough to actual north.