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I'm pretty sure male octopus can't give birth. So i think what you mean is after mating. I found this on Google

"Octopuses have a semelparous life history strategy, meaning that they spawn once and die. (Iteroparous is the opposite--multiple spawning events over the organism's life time.) Other organisms are semelparous as well--many salmon, Anguillid eels, many types of plants and insects.

So why would an animal do this--spawn once and then die? It doesn't make sense right away, but think about it like this: the energy required to reproduce is put into one major effort. Energy is the key here. It is very energetically costly to reproduce--energy put into reproduction is energy that cannot be used for growth and caring for one's self. Reproduction is a "cost" which can mean decreased growth and increased mortality. A semelparous organism spends its life growing (larger size is related to higher fecundity in many organisms) and devoting energy to that before spawning once near the end of its life."

The other part of your question--what exactly causes an octupus to die after spawning. Death is apparently controlled by an optic gland secretion released after spawning. The second link below contains a citation (Woodinsky 1977) for a study on the topic.

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Q: Why male octopus die after giving birth?
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