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Q: Why might some aerobic exercise help some people lose weight?
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What is the best example of aerobic activity?

an aerobic exercise is one that requires a lot of oxygen to the muscles. in order to do this your heart rate and breathing will quicken. skipping and running are aerobic as they can significantly raise your heart rate.

If you only exercise twice a week will you lose weight?

If you exercise twice a week you might lose weight only if you exercise like for 30 minutes. You might also like to try exercising for about 60 minutes or more.

Which type of anxiety might be alleviated by starting a 30-minute-per-day aerobic exercise program?

That plan will help most people, unless their anxiety is so severe that they need expert help and maybe meds besides the exercise. Physical

Is sky diving aerobic?

Not really. Training for competition might require some running or jumping, but few fun jumpers bother with conditioning. Skydiving itself is tiring, but not really all that aerobic.

What are important aspects of an effective exercise program?

It depends what you aim to achieve and what type of exercise/s you have in mind. It might be strength training or it might be cardio exercise. For example, you might be trying to build muscle, lose weight, or both. Please feel free to ask the question again and include more detail.

What is the average weight for a 17 year old that is 5 ft?

110lbs but depends if you do exercise, you might weight more because of the muscle.

Does exercising at early ages ruin height?

There have actually been a couple sports physicians who have suggested that adolescent exercise MIGHT (no real proof, but might) delay growth plate closure. But that only applied to aerobic exercise. You probably shouldn't try to "bulk up" before you stop growing.

What might be some exercises one might do for weight loss?

There are many different types of exercise one might do for weight loss. Some of the most recommended and easiest exercises include walking, squatting, and circuit training.

How can exercise be bad for old people?

If they are streching they might break them selves.

Why is it a myth that aerobic exercise is the only way to lose fat?

The only way to lose weight or fat is to create a calorie deficit - period. The reduction of fat, of course, is the real goal, not the reduction of lean muscle mass, which can occur with a significant reduction of calories with insufficent protein. There are numerous ways to create a calorie deficit: by eating fewer calories than the number which would sustain your current weight or by burning more calories through exercise, or the only really good way to do it, which is do both concurrently. Aerobic exercise burns calories almost exclusively while you are exercising, while anaerobic activity burns calories for an indeterminable period, perhaps in some cases, when the intensity of the exercise is great, for as long as 24 to 48 hours afterward. This is called the "afterburn" effect. Both aerobic (less intense, permitting your oxygen needs to be met during the exercise) and anaerobic (more intense, creates an oxygen debt which must be repaid immediately after exercise) are capable of helping you to burn the same number of calories in total, but aerobic exercise by definition would take longer. Obviously, one would choose only anaerobic exercise if time were the only important factor, or if some of the other benefits are desired, such as the development of reserve heart and lung capacity, etc., but many do not choose to perform intense exercise or they might not have the physical capacity for intense exercise, whatever the reason. One can engage in nearly any physical exercise or sport activity and achieve the same end result. The difference is in the choice of how intensely one engages in the activity as to whether it will be aerobic or anaerobic.

What happens if you cant exercise for two weeks?

Well you might gain weight or maybe not it matters what kind of body you have.