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Q: Why must specimens viewed with a compound microscope be thin why are they sometimes stained with dyes?
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How is brightfield used?

Brightfield microscopic illumination is used mainly to examine stained specimens, ie blood samples, cellular details, etc. It can also be used to examine unstained specimens that are not transparent......... Zeiss Guy

What are the Kinds of microscopes and their uses?

There there are many. Simple microscope, compound microscope, light microscope, scanning electron microscope, TEMicroscope, Dissection microscope, etc and most of them are used to see small cells that cannot be seen by the naked eye.

Why are specimens sometimes stained?

we use sterile water because to avoid false result by microorganism having in the water and same reason for distilled also to avoid impurities like crystals of some metal ions and also to avoid other microorganisms

When a onion cell is stained with iodine which organelles are you not able to see under a compound light microscope?


Why must a specimen be thin to be viewed under the microscope and why are they sometimes stained with dyes?

To see them better

Is a ruby stained by a metal or compound?

A ruby is stained by a compound.

What clinical specimens are gram stained?

The clinical specimens that are gram stained are microorganism, bodily fluids and sputum specimen. Gram staining makes it easier for the identification of organisms.

How are biopsy specimens handled?

Biopsy specimens are often sliced into thin slices, stained, mounted on a glass slide, and examined using a light microscope. Newer sample preparation techniques involve the rapid freezing of the sample and slicing of the still-frozen material.

Which structure in a stained cheek cell would most likely be visible when viewed through the high-power objective of a compound microscope?


Why microbes are stained?

microbes are stained so they can be visualised under a light microscope.

What structure in the cheek cells was stained the darkest?

When stained with iodine and observed under a compound microscope the nucleus will stain the darkest. The cheek cell is frequently employed here as they are simple to collect and tend to take the stain easily.