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because we aren't nocturnal creatures. unless you force your sleeping habits to change.

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Q: Why night fall occurs during sleep?
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Of course! Astral projection is an altered mind state that occurs naturally during sleep. If your heart stopped beating while projecting, then you would die every night when you fall asleep.

Are dolphins diurnal or nocturnal?

neither...if it were to fall asleep, it would die

What are some different types of sleep disorders?

Three common sleep disorders are sleep apnea, night-terrors and somnambulism. Sleep apnea is a sudden arrest of breathing during sleep. Night terrors occur as a result of autonomic arousal during sleep, often resulting in tachycardia and excessive sweating; contrary to popular belief, it does not necessarily involve disturbing dream content. Somnambulism is commonly referred to as "sleep walking", and occurs during stages 3 or 4 of the sleep cycle. There are three basic types of sleep disorders: those caused by the sufferer, those caused by something in the environment of the sufferer, and those caused by something that affects the sufferer's circadian rhythms. Simple insomnia, an ongoing inability to fall asleep, is experienced by many people at some time in their lives. Obstructive sleep apnea occurs when someone stops breathing for repeated, short moments during sleep. Toddlers often suffer from night terrors, and usually outgrow these as they get older.

How is earth tilted during an equinox?

The equinox is the only day of 12 hours of night and day. It Occurs every spring and fall.

What are the causes of excess night fall during sleep?

It doesent i get you blood moving and your wide awake now.....try warm milk

What are the 2 main sleep problems that you hear about?

The two most common sleep problems are sleep apnea and insomnia. Sleep apnea occurs when the airway is partially obstructed during sleep, causing the sleeper to wake up slightly. Insomnia is an inability to fall asleep.

What do bobcats sleep in?

they sleep during the day and tey take naps at night

How to sleep during night and not during day?

U try every thing you can to fall asleep and go to bed early and don't work night shifts.And if you can't you can pour from ice water to hot coffee on your head.

What is the disease called when you don't sleep at night?

Insomnia is the inability to fall asleep.

Why should people and other animals need to sleep?

From a perspective of energy conservation, one function of sleep is to replenish brain glycogen levels, which fall during the waking hours. In keeping with this idea, humans and many other animals sleep at night. ... As might be expected, human metabolism measured by oxygen consumption decreases during sleep.

How is every and during use in a sentence?

Every day during class I fall a sleep.

How long does it take a person from the time they fall asleep at night to fall into deep sleep and im not talking about REM sleep im talking about the sleep where is it is hard to wake the person up?

Around about 7 minuets :)