

Why nuclear missiles didn't used in Korean war?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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because they though that people wouldn't care at all

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Q: Why nuclear missiles didn't used in Korean war?
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Were nuclear weapons used in the Korean war?

No nuclear weapons were used in the korean war

Where nuclear missiles used in either of these wars?

Missiles with nuclear warheads have never been used in war. The only nuclear weapons ever used in war were the 2 used to end WW2 in Japan. These were gravity bombs.

How was the use of nuclear weapons involved in Korean war?

No nuclear weapons were used in the Korean War.....

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Yes there would be if only one was used.

Has North Korea used nuclear weapons?

Not during the Korean war...

Did they used nuclear missiles in world war 1?

No. The first nuclear weapons were used in 1945 during the Second World War. These however were bombs (dropped from a plane) not missiles. The first successful nuclear explosion for military purposes was the Trinity test by the USA in 1945, more than 25 years after the end of the First World War.

When was the first nuclear missile used?

Nuclear missiles have never been used. The only nuclear weapons ever used were bombs dropped on Hiroshima ('Little Boy' Aug 6, 1945) and Nagasaki ('Fat Man' Aug 9, 1945).

How do you make a nuclear missile?

Take a rocket and put a nuclear warhead/bomb in its payload, instead of a satellite or humans. This produces a nuclear ICBM.Shorter range rockets or unmanned jets aircraft called cruise missiles can also be used.

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First hydrogen bomb then nuclear missiles but they are never used because of the dropping of the atomic bombs on japan...

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