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Q: Why opcode field occupies 6 bits in microprocessor?
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When and by whom did the world's first microprocessor come into the market?

The question is unclear, but it looks like it meant to ask when the first microprocessor was invented. That was the Intel 4004, invented in 1971. It was the first single chip microprocessor, and the first microprocessor available commercially. The 4004 was a 4 bit processor, with a 12 bit address bus and an 8 bit opcode. Everything was multiplexed, 4 bits at a time, in 8 clock cycles per instruction.

How many bits could the first microprocessor handle at one time?

The first microprocessor was the 4004. It could handle 4 bits at a time.

In a processor these are 120 instructions Bits needed to implement this instructions?

Log2 260 is 8.022, so it would seem that 9 bits are required to handle 260 instructions. In practice, however, the opcode is a multiple of 8 bits, so most instructions are 8 bits, with a few being 16 bits.

What is 3 byte instruction in microprocessor?

A two-byte instruction gives the specific function instruction in two bytes, or two words. The first specifies the opcode, which tells the microprocessor what operation will occur. The second specifies the operand, or the data that the operation is done on.

What refers to the number of bits that a microprocessor can manipulate at one time?

As quoted from Google Books, "Word size refers to the number of bits that a microprocessor can manipulate at one time."

What was the microprocessor to make it into a home computer and how many bits could it process at one time?

The microprocessor used in the first home computer was the 8080. It could handle 8 bits at a time.

What is queue status 8086?

queue of 8086 microprocessor is 6 bits

How does microprocessor differentiate between data and instruction code?

i) Instruction code deals only with mnemonics and its corresponding opcode but data code refers to your data like 10h which is always of 8 bits or a particular address say 8080h which is of 16 bits. ii) Data is your input to the instruction but an opcode is native to your machine. iii) Data is user specific instruction while opcode is machine specific instruction iv) You can alter data code but you cannot modify an instruction opcode.

The use of a parity bit means that every byte occupies bits?


The use of a parity bit means that every byte occupies how many bits?


How many bits in 8085 microprocessor?

The 8085 is an 8-bit microprocessor. Even though there are some 16-bit registers (BC, DE, HL, SP, PC), with some 16-bit operations that can be performed on them, and a 16-bit address bus, the accumulator (A), the arithmetic logic unit (ALU), and the data bus are 8-bits in size, making the 8085 an 8-bit computer.

How many bits in 80286 processor?

8086 is a 16bit processor.