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The kidney performs this function and it is thus:when the blood is more concentrated as in sugar,salts and so on we say the blood is hypertonic to the cells and this could shrink the cell but the kidney filter this salts from the blood and reabsorbs more water and a more concentrated urine is produced by anti dieretic hormone,but also sometimes the blood is hypotonic in terms of salts and so on in this case the kidney reabsorbs less water and restores some vital osmotic pressure is regulated.

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Q: Why osmotic balance is matained in blood?
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Responsible for pH balance in blood, osmotic balance and formation of HCl in the stomach. Sources are table salt, soya sauce, processed foods.

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Maintain the osmotic pressure of the blood

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The component of plasma that maintains the osmotic pressure of blood is protein. The protein albumin and others maintain osmotic pressure in blood.

What reflects balance between the direction and amount of fluid that flows across capillary walls?

Hydrostatic and osmotic pressure.

What is the name of the organelle that maintains osmotic pressure in a cell?

Osmotic balance maintained by several organells.Main organell is cell membrane.

What is Starling's Law of the capillaries?

The hypothesis that fluid filtration through capillary membranes is dependent on the balance between the pressure the blood places on the membranes and the osmotic pressure of the membranes. The law relating to the passage of fluid out of a capillary depending on the hydrostatic and osmotic pressures of the blood and the same pressures of tissue fluid, the net effect of the opposing pressures determining the direction and rate of flow.

Plasma proteins that remain in the blood capillaries help to?

Maintain the osmotic pressure of the blood.

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Why is it necessary to maintain a normal osmotic concentration of the blood?

i am not sure

What are the results of when the blood pressure in the capillaries greatly exceeds the osmotic pressure of the blood?

we produce from the cappilarries