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echo will not return output when using parenthesis because echo is not a function like print. echo is a language construct. The benefit to using echo over the print function is speed, plus you can separate data types using comma's rather than periods.


echo 'This is a string ' , $variable , ' ending string';

is the same (but faster) as:

print('This is a sting' . $variable . ' ending string');

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Q: Why php Echo not printing output with parenthesis?
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echo or print < both of which write text: <?php echo "TEXT"; print "TEXT"; ?>

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To use HTML as variable in PHP . echo the html tag written in double quotes. Example : <?php echo "<table>"; echo "<tr><td></td><td></td></tr>" echo "</table>"; ?>

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# <select name="month" id="month"> # <option value="1" <?PHP if($month==1) echo "selected";?>>January</option> # <option value="2" <?PHP if($month==2) echo "selected";?>>February</option> # <option value="3" <?PHP if($month==3) echo "selected";?>>March</option> # <option value="4" <?PHP if($month==4) echo "selected";?>>April</option> # <option value="5" <?PHP if($month==5) echo "selected";?>>May</option> # <option value="6" <?PHP if($month==6) echo "selected";?>>June</option> # <option value="7" <?PHP if($month==7) echo "selected";?>>July</option> # <option value="8" <?PHP if($month==8) echo "selected";?>>August</option> # <option value="9" <?PHP if($month==9) echo "selected";?>>September</option> # <option value="10" <?PHP if($month==10) echo "selected";?>>October</option> # <option value="11" <?PHP if($month==11) echo "selected";?>>November</option> # <option value="12" <?PHP if($month==12) echo "selected";?>>December</option> # </select> # # <select name="day" id="day"> # <option value="1" <?PHP if($day==1) echo "selected";?>>1</option> # <option value="2" <?PHP if($day==2) echo "selected";?>>2</option> # <option value="3" <?PHP if($day==3) echo "selected";?>>3</option> # <option value="4" <?PHP if($day==4) echo "selected";?>>4</option> # <option value="5" <?PHP if($day==5) echo "selected";?>>5</option> # <option value="6" <?PHP if($day==6) echo "selected";?>>6</option> # <option value="7" <?PHP if($day==7) echo "selected";?>>7</option> # <option value="8" <?PHP if($day==8) echo "selected";?>>8</option> # <option value="9" <?PHP if($day==9) echo "selected";?>>9</option> # <option value="10" <?PHP if($day==10) echo "selected";?>>10</option> # <option value="11" <?PHP if($day==11) echo "selected";?>>11</option> # <option value="12" <?PHP if($day==12) echo "selected";?>>12</option> # <option value="13" <?PHP if($day==13) echo "selected";?>>13</option> # <option value="14" <?PHP if($day==14) echo "selected";?>>14</option> # <option value="15" <?PHP if($day==15) echo "selected";?>>15</option> # <option value="16" <?PHP if($day==16) echo "selected";?>>16</option> # <option value="17" <?PHP if($day==17) echo "selected";?>>17</option> # <option value="18" <?PHP if($day==18) echo "selected";?>>18</option> # <option value="19" <?PHP if($day==19) echo "selected";?>>19</option> # <option value="20" <?PHP if($day==20) echo "selected";?>>20</option> # <option value="21" <?PHP if($day==21) echo "selected";?>>21</option> # <option value="22" <?PHP if($day==22) echo "selected";?>>22</option> # <option value="23" <?PHP if($day==23) echo "selected";?>>23</option> # <option value="24" <?PHP if($day==24) echo "selected";?>>24</option> # <option value="25" <?PHP if($day==25) echo "selected";?>>25</option> # <option value="26" <?PHP if($day==26) echo "selected";?>>26</option> # <option value="27" <?PHP if($day==27) echo "selected";?>>27</option> # <option value="28" <?PHP if($day==28) echo "selected";?>>28</option> # <option value="29" <?PHP if($day==29) echo "selected";?>>29</option> # <option value="30" <?PHP if($day==30) echo "selected";?>>30</option> # <option value="31" <?PHP if($day==31) echo "selected";?>>31</option> # </select> # # <select name="year" id="year"> # <?PHP for($i=date("Y"); $i<=date("Y")+2; $i++) # if($year == $i) # echo "<option value='$i' selected>$i</option>"; # else # echo "<option value='$i'>$i</option>"; # ?> # </select>

How can you embed a Java program in PHP webpage?

In the output stream (i.e. using echo), output an "embed" tag (or if using older HTML, the "applet" tag). Note that the Java will run on the client, not on the server, meaning that PHP variables, etc, will not be available to it.