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Q: Why planting three crops mazie beans ans squash in the same field was a good idea?
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What was considered to be a man's work on a small colonial farm?

Planting and caring for field crops

Is the agriculture the field were the industrial revolution started?

Agriculture, the planting, cultivating and harvesting of crops, started thousands of years before the industrial revolution.

What are the 10 example of field of study?

10) lima beans 9) green beans 8) beets 7) potatoes 6) squash 5) grapes 4) carrots 3) soybeans 2) corn 1) and the most studied field. anthropology!

What does clearing of the rye mean?

Clearing of the rye refers to the process of harvesting and removing mature rye plants from a field to prepare it for the next planting season. This typically involves cutting the rye stalks and removing them from the field to ensure a clean and fertile ground for planting new crops.

How does gps help with planting crops?

A GPS helps with planting crops because you can follow exact coodrinates. A good GPS system will allow you to be accurate within 5 feet, and a great one within 5 inches. This allows you to plant, accurately, to maximum amount of crops without planting outside the specified area. A GPS also allows for less overlapping on passes through a field which saves a lot of diesel fuel and time for farmers.

What are some of the jobs that a migrant worker would have?

Weeding crops, thinning crops, spraying pesticides and fertilizers, preparing field each spring for planintg, planting crops, harvesting crops, preparing fileds each fall, sorting products, preparing crops or animals for market, maintaining equipment, landscaping, caring for bees

What are Montana's top 5 crops?

The main crop that is grown in Montana is wheat. In addition, the state is responsible for growing other crops such as apples, canola, potatoes, dry beans, field peas, flax, grapes, garlic, lentils, safflowers, mustard, squash, alfalfa, and many more.

What is a barren field?

It is a field with no crops that is empty of all life.

How soil gets affected by continuous plantation of crops in a field?

Continuous planting of crops on soil can lead to soil depletion of essential nutrients for plants, especially nitrogen and phosphorus. Nitrogen can be replaced by crop rotation (in other words, every third year growing beans or peanuts on the soil), or by using nitrogen fertilizers (the first is better because it doesn't pollute the water supply). Phosphorus is generally obtained from phosphate fertilizer.

What is the three-field system of farming?

The three-field system of farming was a medieval agricultural technique where farmland was divided into three fields, typically one for wheat or barley, one for legumes, and one left fallow to regain nutrients. Farmers would rotate crops each year to maintain soil fertility and increase yields. This system helped improve agricultural productivity and played a significant role in the agricultural revolution in Europe.

What is the purpose of planting trees next to a field of crops?

There are several possibilities, but the most common in the US is for windbreaks. The trees slow down the wind and help prevent wind-caused soil erosion.

What method of agriculture did Europeans use?

European agriculture varied greatly from that of Western societies. During medieval times European farmers used the technique of open-field planting to produce crops.