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Fats and oils are the same thing. Oils are often plant based fats, while animal based fats aren't typically referred to as oils. Oils and fats both provide 9 kilocalories of energy per gram. Animal based fats are typically comprised of saturated and monounsaturated fats, while plant based fats are mostly polyunsaturated fats with some saturated fats and some monounsaturated fats.

Saturated fats are solid at room temperature, while oils (unsaturated fats) are liquid at room temperature. Some plant based oils high in saturated fats are: cocoa butter, coconut oil, palm oil, and avocado oil,... among others. Some like cocoa butter (used to make chocolate) have more saturated fats (57-64%) than pork fat (lard) [35%]. Though beef fat (and butter), at 80-95%, most definitely have the highest percentage.

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Q: Why plants use oils but not fats as fats provide more energy than oils?
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Do fats contain large amounts of energy per gram?

Fats provide a form of store energy. Fats can provide more than half the energy that the body needs and twice as much as than carbohydrates

What does fat provid?

The main function of fats in the body is to provide energy: By supplying energy, fats save proteins from being used for energy and allow them to perform their more important role of building and repairing tissues. Fats on oxidation provide almost twice as much energy as that given by carbohydrates.

How do fats affect your growth?

it helps provide energy for your body and as you grow you need more fat to cushion you joints and the protect your organs

What nutrient provides the most energy per gram?

Fat. More calories =more heat=more energy.

Which nutrient protects vital organs and keeps body warm?

Fats provide the body in several ways. It helps provide an energy storage. More notably, it helps protect the internal organs like insulation.

What kind of carbohydrate do plants use to store energy?

Carbohydrates are stored as complex sugars. The larger molecules are called starch and bigger than that is cellulose.

Explain that Oxidation of fats in living cells release more energy per gram than the oxidation of carbohydrates?

Fats are more reduced than carbohydrates, therefore there is more oxidation that occurs in the breakdown of fats, and hence, more energy is produced.

Does carbohydrates provide the most energy?

It depends on the type of carbohydrate. Simple carbohydrates (or sugars), such as glucose and fructose, are absorbed into the bloodstream and provide an immediate energy boost, and are the most quickly turned into energy. Other carbohydrates, such as starch, take more time to digest and are probably similar energy wise as protein or fats. However, as far as containing the most energy in a given amount, fats beat all carbohydrates and proteins by far.

Explain why fat from animal sources are usually regarded as relatively unhealthy compared to those from plants sources?

Meat fats are generally classified as "saturated" where as plant fats are "poly- or monounsaturated." The body utilized poly- and monounsatuated fats as an energy source more readily than saturated fats, which the body tends to store.

What foods provides us with energy?

Fats - They provide energy to be stored in our bodies for when we most need it. Carbohydrates - The produce a quick release of energy. Protein - This controls your metabolic reactions so eating more of this will give you energy, as well as burn of some unwanted calories.

Why are fats so 'energy dense'?

Fat contain twice as much energy as carbohydrates do, when they are used in respiration. This is because fats are comparatively low in oxygen atoms (the carbon of lipids is more reduced than that of carbohydrates), so more of the oxygen in the respiration of fats comes from the atmosphere. In the oxidation of carbohydrates, more oxygen is present in the carbohydrate molecule itself. Fats and oils therefore a concentrated energy store. source: Allott, Andrew, and David Mindorff. Biology: IB Diploma Course Companion. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2010. Print.

How much more energy does fat supply than carbohydrates?

Fats actually contain a lot more energy than carbohydrates. The reason carbohydrates are used for energy before fats is because carbohydrates are easier to break down; reactions involving carbohydrates generally have a lower activation energy. This means that less energy is used to release the energy in the bonds of the carbohydrates than fats. In other words, although fats contain more energy, it is more efficient for the body to break down carbohydrates than fats. Once carbohydrate supplies diminish, fat stores can be broken down to use for energy, but doing so is not the body's favorite thing to do.