

Why recycling cant absorb all the computer?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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I don't always know but we tried to get rid of an old GE monitor but they wouldn't take it because they said it had Mercury in it

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Q: Why recycling cant absorb all the computer?
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Where and how can my computer be recycled?

Computer recycling facilities are all over. Often you can find a facility with your city, or as part of a special recycling day at a local store or school.

What are the precautions to be taken before computer recycling with reason?

Computer recycling is an excellent idea, but it is important to take some precautions before you do it. The hard drive must be completely wiped clean by deleting all your information then formatting. Include all manuals and installation disks that you may have.

Is computer recycling effective?

Computers and electronics of all types contain a vast array of poisonous inorganic chemicals, mainly heavy metals. Recycling electronics allows these metals to refined and kept from poisoning the groundwater. Computer recycling is a green alternative to trashing computers. Large amounts of usable metal can be salvaged from an average computer and is resold on the scrap market.

What To Know Before Recycling a Computer?

Recycling a computer is a great way to avoid wasting that expensive hardware you’d bought many years back, and it can mean a decent tax write-off, too. There are hundreds of companies around the U.S. that support computer recycling, but it’s important to do a little bit of preparation before recycling your PC. First of all, before recycling a computer, it’s important to securely delete all of the information from the computer’s hard drive. This is easier than it sounds; there are numerous free programs available on the Internet that can overwrite all of the information on a drive using secure methods (what’s often referred to as DoD methods, after the U.S. Department of Defense’s standards for data destruction). Make sure you’ve got all of your data that you need off of the drive before running these programs, as they’re completely permanent. You can also run high powered magnets on a hard drive, but this can ruin the drive, somewhat defeating the purpose of computer recycling. If you’re especially worried about data safety, simply remove the hard drive from the computer before recycling and store it yourself. Next, you need to find a reputable local computer recycling center. In cities, many Goodwill, Salvation Army, and other similar organizations will take computers, although they may refuse large CRT monitors. Call ahead. You certainly don’t want to drive your computer all day looking for a recycling center. When recycling a PC, you’ll want to find a station that can give you some sort of a receipt for the donation that you can use on your taxes. If you can’t find a local Goodwill or if you would rather fully recycle the computer than donate it to charity, call local computer repair shops. Even if they don’t support PC recycling, they’ll often know a local place that does. Look up the value of your PC before you recycle it, and you’ll get an accurate receipt. Computer recycling is a great way to get rid of a clunky old machine, and it’s a good move for your community and the environment. Think through the process, and everything should move smoothly.

What is computer recycling?

Computer recycling is not so complex. It means to make usable again, by some technique, as we do with other things or parts.Computer recycling is a process where all intact parts of electronics items like computer, PC mobile and other electronics goods are examined and if it seems that there is good use left in them they are saved and restored again to fullworking order. This way we can save electronic parts and this will help us to keep our earth from e-pollution.

Why is recycling easy?

it is easy to recycle, because all you have to do is put a can in the recycling bin or even use a recycling skip.

Is there a virus for your computer that you cant do anything about?

All virus are removable if you have the right kind of software

How does trash get to a Recycling Center?

By you recycling. A truck takes all the rubbish there to be recycled.

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it cant. It can only melt the insides of the computer and it'll be all smoky and mess up the environment :)

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it will die because, all of the sugar is soaked to the plants roots and ONLY certain types of plants can absorb soda which will help it grow. However some plants cant absorb soda because it will die.

where can i dispose of a computer and monitor ?

Computer repair shops because they repair computers it's like recycling or reusing what is used.

How can people without computers access welcome to the white house?

They cant because all it is, is a computer program.