

Why require food to be kosher?

Updated: 11/24/2022
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6y ago

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So Orthodox Jews can eat it.

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Q: Why require food to be kosher?
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Is whey kosher?

Whey is a dairy product, made from milk and can be kosher. As this is a processed food product, it would require kosher certification to be considered kosher.

What is the difference between kosher and non-kosher?

Kosher food have been produced under the supervision or a Jewish Rabbi, whereas non kosher foods have not. _________ Correction: Kosher food does not require a Rabbi's involvement. When talking about commercially prepared food, the kitchen has to be supervised by a 'mashgiach'. Any orthodox Jew can be a mashgiach. Kosher food is prepared with kosher ingredients following the laws of kashrut.

What is a kosher menu with a mixture of vegetarian and meat dishes?

Kosher food refers to foods that are prepared and consumed following the laws of kashrut (Jewish dietary law), it is not a style of cooking. That being said, it's possible to make kosher versions of dishes from pretty much every country, this would require a kosher kitchen and kosher ingredients. Without a kosher kitchen, it is impossible to make kosher food.

Can Jews eat Vegetarian food?

There is no issue with Jews eating vegetarian food. However, religiously observant Jews would require that the food in question be kosher.

Is deli the same of kosher food?

Delicatessen places serve kosher food. And if you are talking about 'deli' food, it is usually kosher. _______ Delis are only kosher if they're kosher certified. Most delis aren't kosher.

Can Jews eat English foods?

Absolutely! However, religiously observant Jews would require that the food be kosher.

What does kosher certified mean exactly?

It means the food was inspected by an authorized Orthodox rabbi and given his seal of approval. _______ Kosher food preparation doesn't require the presence of a rabbi. Any Orthodox observant Jew can supervise commercial food production, these supervisors are called a 'mashgiach'. The term 'kosher certified' means that the food in question is under the supervision of one of the many organisations that are in charge of making sure commercially produced food is kosher.

Are capers kosher?

Capers can be kosher, they require a valid kashrut hechsher (symbol of kosher certification).

What religion does not eat kosher foods?

Christianity does not require kosher foods.

Are frogs kosher food?

Frog legs are not considered kosher food.

Is cheesecake kosher food?

Yes it is kosher

Does kosher food involve bread?

Kosher food (i.e. food which meets the Jewish dietary laws) may include kosher bread. Challah and bagels are two examples, but any style of bread can be kosher as long as all the ingredients are kosher, and none of the utensils were used for non-kosher food.