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I think I know what you're getting at... Rockets burn loads of fuel really quickly so we use jet engines in the atmosphere... The thing is that jet engines need oxygen to mix with fuel to burn it. Rocket engines contain their own oxygen which means that they are the most practical way for us to get into space.

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Q: Why rocket fly in space instead of air?
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They do not fly through space, they simply float through space. They are able to maneuver using rocket engines which instead of providing lift, simply push them.

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How do you fly into space?

by a rocket of course.

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A rocket.

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The first unmanned rocket to fly in space was the Russian Sputnik.

Why can a rocket fly into space?

it can fly because the fire that comes out of the back of the rocket is its thrust.So when the fire comes out the back it causes the rocket to thrust forward.Remember the fire comes out with a lot of force thats why the rocket is able to fly because of the thrust. The body of the rocket is a device that can stay in space and float in there which allows the rocket to stay in space. The fire thrusts the rocket up but only to get out of earths atmosphere because earth has gravity space doesn't. In space the rocket does the rest of the work which is floating in a place without gravity. hope this helped!

What year did the first rocket fly into space?

The first manned rocket was launched in 1961

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An aircraft is designed to fly in 'air' there is no 'air' in space.

How can a rocket fly when there is no oxygen in space?

The oxygen is brought with the spacecraft.

How does one fly without wings?

That means there is no air. There is "vacuum". A rocket can fly in space without air. A rocket or rocket vehicle is a missile, aircraft or other vehicle which obtains thrust by the reaction of the rocket to the ejection of fast moving fluid from a rocket engine. Chemical rockets work by the action of hot gas produced by the combustion of the propellant against the inside of combustion chambers and expansion nozzles. This generates forces that accelerate the gas to extremely high speed and exerts a large thrust on the rocket.

Is a space shuttle faster than a conventional rocket?

That' depends on the mission. A rocket and a space shuttle have to be in orbit and so have to fly at 8 km/s. But in certain cases, the rocket has to leave the earth (apollo, planet probe...), and then these rocket have to fly at 11 km/s. So usually the speed are the same, but sometimes, rocket are faster...

How do you know that going to space is real?

because you can take a space ship/a rocket and fly/go up there.