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Russia was a country that had a lot of Slavic people. Serbia was also a Slavic nation.

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Q: Why russia was anxious to help serbia in World War 1?
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What was Austria Hungary's Rivalry against Russia in World War 1 about?

They both wanted dominance of the Balkans. Austria-Hungary controlled Bosnia and Herzegovina were there were a large number of ethnic Serbs. So Serbia believed they should control this area. In Russia at the time there was a belief in pan-Slavism (that all the Slavs in the world should help each other, in this case Russia should help Serbia). So when Austria-Hungary threatened to invade Serbia if its demands were not met in 1914 Russia came to help its ally and "Slav brother" Serbia, this would also serve to give Russia dominance in the Balkans.

Why did Austria Hungary go to war with russia when Austria declared war on Serbia?

They went to war with Russia since Russia wanted to help Serbia since they were allies.

Why did Austria hungary go to war with russia when Austria hungary declared war on Serbia?

They went to war with Russia since Russia wanted to help Serbia since they were allies.

What happened at the beganing of world warI?

The Austrian archduke and his wife were assassinated in Sarajevo, while riding in their car, by a Serbian with a pistol. Austria began punitive measures against Serbia, and Russia moved against Austria to help Serbia.

With help from Russia Serbia A created a sense of nationalism in Serbia B gained autonomy within the ottoman empire C overthrew the ottoman emperor?

b :)

What four countries came to help austira and Serbia in world war 1?

Russia came to the aid of Serbia because they were slavs and the Czar felt a special kinship to Serbia and not Austria-Hungary. Austria-Hungary were allied with the Ottoman Empire, Germany and Bulgaria. Serbia wanted its independence from the Hapsburgs and knew that the Romanovs would support them militarily.

What did russia do when Serbia asked for help?

It went to war aginst Germany and then later the Ottoman empire too.

Why did Russia support Serbia?

Russia considered itself "Protector of the Slavic People," and the Serbs were Slavic. Thus, Russia felt an obligation to help. Of course, this reason was probably simply the propaganda reason (i.e., the reason the Tsar told his people they needed to come to Serbia's aid).

On which side did the US fight for in World War 1?

The allied side. The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand sparked a war causing Austria and its allies to declare war on Serbia and Russia. Soon, the allies of Serbia and Russia declared war on Austria. Then, when Great Britain and France declared war, the US wanted to help their allies, causing them to join the allies.

What happened after archduke ferdinands murder?

Austria-Hungary issued an ultimatum to Serbia to fix the damage. The demands were harsh. Russia stepped into the conflict to help Serbia. Fearing an attack from Austria's ally Germany, Russia began to mobilize troops to the Russo-German border. Germany took it as a threat and responded with a declaration of war and an inavsion of Belgium. World War I had its start.

How did Serbia impact World War 1?

They caused upheaval by creating an alliance with Russia and supplying guns to the Black Hands ( a kind of gang ) which with the help of Gavrilo Princip, killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand

Cause of World War I?

Gavrillo Princip (Serbian) short Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Austria-Hungary in 1914. The Austro-Hungarian government blamed Serbia for supporting Princip, and then invaded Serbia. Russia helped Serbia, then Germany came in to help Austria-Hungary. Frnace then came to help Russia. Britain didn't join the war until Germany put its Schlifflen Plan into operation (invading France through Germany). The armistice ws signed 5am 11th November 1918. There was then a cease fire at 11am.