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Q: Why seal capillary tube for melting point of exo?
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What steps can you take to determine the melting point of a substance that sublimes before it melts?

In such cases the melting point determination must be performed in a sealed capillary tube to avoid loss of sample. This can be achieved by heating the open end of the capillary tube, and with tweezers forcing it shut.

Why do you use a new capillary tube for melting point determination each time?

It is not easy to be cleaned inside.

Why can't we reuse a capillary tube to determine the melting point for a second time?

ur muff cabbage

Why is it important to pack the sublimate uniformly?

The melting point sample capillary tube has to be packed efficiently and uniformly, because air spaces can cause nonuniform heat transfer within the tube. This can inconsistency, with some parts of the sample melting before others, which results in poor reproducibility. A uniformly packed tube will melt consistently and evenly to give a sharp, reproducible melting point determination.

Why should each sample be tightly packet in melting poin tinto the capillary tube prior to heating?

It is Important to pack tightly in order to prevent the entrance of air into the capillary tube.

The height of a liquid in a capillary tube is not dependent on?

the height of a capillary tube is not dependent on

Why mercury falls in capillary tube?

because,the adhesive force of mercury in more compared to the cohesive force which acts on a capillary tube. that's why mercury falls in capillary tube

What is the melting point of a Pyrex test tube?

A glass hasn't a true melting point. The softening point of Pyrex glass is between 800 °C and 850 °C.

How do you measure the melting point of a solid that melts above 100?

the use of a stirred oil bath, an electrical heating element, a thermometer and a capillary tube along with a magnifying glass is usually used for determining the melting point of crystalline solids. All of these may be found handily contained in a Hoover apparatus.

Why is capillary tube fixed in Ostwalds viscometer?

The capillary tube is fixed in the Ostwalds viscometer is for passing the liquid.

Excess superheat in a capillary tube system means that there is?

excess superheat in a capillary tube systems means that there is ______ charge

What is the function of capillary tube?

The capillary tube is used on the inside of the refrigerators. It is a long copper tubing that is used as a thruster.