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When electrons are shared between atoms, the nuclei of both atoms experience attraction towards the electrons and vice versa. At a certain distance, the attraction is maximal because the repulsion between the nuclei is small while the attraction of each nuclei to the electrons is strong. Thus, the atoms are held together by their attraction to the shared electrons.

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Q: Why sharing electrons causes atoms to bond together?
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What is atoms held together by sharing electrons?

Covalent bonds are created when atoms share electrons.

How do atoms join together in a compound?

By sharing electrons.

What causes a chemical to form between atoms?

transferring or sharing electrons

How atoms bond together?

By sharing electrons of two atoms to achieve pairs of bonding el's that are holding them together

How are atoms in a covalent bond held together?

by mutual sharing of electrons

What holds covalently bound atoms together?

Covalently bound atoms are held together by the sharing of electrons between the corresponding atoms.

What is the attraction of two atoms for a shared pair of electrons that holds the atoms together.?

Sharing of electrons between two atoms is called covalent bonding.

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The atoms are held together by the mutual sharing of electrons between two atoms in a covalent bond.

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What causes chemical bonds to form between atoms?

transferring or sharing electrons

What type of molecule forms when two molecules have an unequal sharing of electrons?

When two atoms are bonded together but have an unequal sharing of electrons the newly formed molecule is said to be bound by ionic bonds. This unequal sharing is due to differential attractions of the atoms in the molecule to the electrons.

What are two or more unlike atoms held together by chemical bonds called?

Two non-identical atoms held together by the sharing of two electrons in a bond, is called a molecule. Two identical atoms held together by the sharing of two electrons, is called a diatomic molecule.