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Because it happens to everyone, it wouldn't be normal if it didn't happen to you. These changes might be scary at first, like periods or your voice breaking, but your parents have been through it before you and know all about it. You will soon get used to these things and maybe even openly talk about it with your friends and family. If you have a friend who these changes have happened to - talk to them and ask them for advice.

Most of the changes a boy goes through will be pleasant. He is changing from a boy to a man. But for a girl it will not be as pleasant because she will begin menstruation during puberty, this can be (but not always) painful at times for them and messy. It is all a part of growing up into a fertile young woman though so you should not feel bad about it. Puberty lasts for just a few years in a boy or girls teenage life.

It is normal and natural for puberty to happen to everyone. When their body is ready they begin to change from a child into an adult. It is the process of maturing sexually into an adult.

Because the changes that occur during puberty are completely natural. Everyone goes through them, it is just part of growing up. Don't be embarrassed. Everyone goes through it. Guys, no one will remember your squeaky voice when you're 6 ft. tall and manly. Girls, no one will remember the awkward body shape and small chest when you're curvy and developed. Don't worry, you'll survive!

Because it is natural and everyone goes through it.

Because they're entirely natural steps in a persons way to adulthood.

Because everything happens gradually over time.

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There is no point in feeling bad about it as we all have to grow through it. Everyone will go through Puberty to become an adult.

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Q: Why should a girl or boy not feel bad about his changes during puberty?
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Why should a boy or girl not feel about the changes that happen to him or her during puberty?

He should not feel bad about the changes. Because these change are very important for us.

Why should boy or a girl not feel about the changes that happen to her or him during puberty?

He should not feel bad about the changes. Because these change are very important for us.

Why should a girl or a girl not feel bad during puberty?

Because the changes are all important. We have to look at them as positive life changing changes.

Why it is advantageous for girl not feel bad about the changes that happen to him or her during puberty?

Girls need to feel happy and proud about what is happening to them during puberty because the changes that occur will prepare them to be adults and have a family.

Why should a boy or a girl not feel bad about changes that happen to him to her during puberty?

It is a natural occurence that happens to everyone. There are many changes that will happen during puberty. It is the path that leads from childhood to adulthood. Be patient and all will become fine in the end by the time puberty has ended.

Why do people feel scared before they hit puberty?

They are scared because many changes are about to happen during puberty. Also, there is the fear of the unknown

How will you compare the changes that happen in the female's body during puberty?

The changes hit females early than to men. Also the trigger is estrogen in girls and testosterone in boys.

Why should boy and a girl not feel bad bad about the changes that happen to him or her during puberty?

Simply because it's a natural part of growing up. Puberty is the process of preparing the body for reproducing the human race. It's something everyone goes through, albeit at different ages. It's absolutely nothing to feel bad about.

Why should a boy and girl not feel about the changes that may happen to him or her during puberty?

It is normal for that change that you go through. It is also normal to have a sensations when you are feeling good in that spot it is all normal that is the way you know that you are going through a change.

Why should a boy and a girl not feel bad about the changes that happen to him or her during puberty?

Puberty is a stage in life that none of use can control. Nature takes full control and apologises for nothing. The changes each of us goes through are often embarressing because you move from "a child" to an "adult" in your physical form. These changes take place at slightly different times to other people. This can be a little upsetting as some people become very inquisitive about whats happening to you and will openeing ask some awkward questions. Be proud of these changes. There is nothing to feel bad about.

What do you feel when you are in age of puberty?

When you are going through puberty, there is overall restlessness and many mood swings. There are many behavioural changes that are caused by the different hormones.

Why should a boy or a girl want feel bad about the changes that happen to him or her during puberty?

They shouldn't feel bad about what's happening to him or her. For guys they just get hair on their junk. For girls their breast tissues grow making their boobs bigger. You shouldn't care about what's happening just let your body do what it needs to do.