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Aspirin has many properties that are good for us and bad for us. Aspirin is an NSAID or Non-steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drug. It causes the stomach to stop producing mucus that protects it from the stomach acid. It will react with the ulcer causing it to bleed more.

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It is because aspirin is an acid. it is called salicytic acid. If you already have an ulcer, you do not need an acid on top of it.

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Who should not take aspirins?

People who have anaphylactic reactions, obviously, should not take aspirin. There are some people for whom aspirin causes difficulty breathing and asthma attacks. These people should also not take aspirin. People with bleeding disorders, such as von Willebrand's disease may take aspirin under their doctor's counsel. People with other bleeding disorders, such as hemophilia, probably should not take aspirin. Children should never take aspirin, as aspirin use in children has been linked to Reye syndrome, which is deadly. People with peptic ulcer disease should use aspirin with caution and only under their physician's direction. Likewise, people with history of gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding should use aspirin cautiously, as aspirin may worsen or cause GI bleeding. Pregnant women should not take aspirin, especially late in pregnancy, as it may cause closure of the ductus arteriosus and premature fetal death. I'm sure there are many others, but this is all I can think of right now. I'll add more as I think it over.

How do you cure a peptic ulcer?

This should help.

What should Aspirin not be given for?

Aspirin even children's aspirin-should never be given to children or teenagers with flu-like symptoms or chickenpox

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Should patients who have allergic reactions to aspirin take NSAIDs?

Patients who have allergic reactions to aspirin should not be treated with NSAIDs

If you have taken aspirin by mistake what should you do?

An aspirin or two won't do you any harm. Don't worry about it

Do you give aspirin to children with chickenpox?

You should seek medical attention right away if you have given your child Aspirin when they have chicken pox. When Aspirin is given to a child with chicken pox, it can cause them to get a condition called Reyes syndrome.

What is the recommended does of aspirin for a headache?

For children it should be 1 tablet of aspirin for adults it would have to be 2 tablets.

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Should you give aspirin to a person with hemophilia?

Aspirin is often used to treat people in danger of having heart attacks or strokes due to the anticoagulant and thinning effect it has on the blood. Since a person with hemophilia already has trouble clotting, aspirin actually exacerbates the already existing problem. This makes the answer to the question a resounding No.