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Nutrition should be an important part of every person's life no matter what age the person may be because of the exponential health benefits. It is the foundation of good health for all of us. However, because of the rapid changes that characterize the childhood phase of human development; physical, intellectual, social, and emotional stresses make proper nutrition more important than at any other time. During this unusually stressful period, in order to maintain good health while these changes take place, nutrition is critical.

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Q: Why should diets for adolescents be carefully planned?
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Why would poorly planned vegan diets be inappropriate for children?

Poorly planned diets of any kind are not good for children. Inform yourself so the children get enough protein, fruits and vegetables, essential fatty acids, whole foods, and minimize junk food.

What diets should be followed due to blood type differences?

Different diets should be followed for each blood type. People with O type blood should focus their diets on protein rich foods. People with type A blood should focus their diets on organic vegetarian diets. People with type B blood should focus their diets on a dairy based diet.

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Yes. Some antacids contain sodium. Check the label carefully, and preferably speak to a doctor, nutritionist or pharmacist.

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No, there is no reason.

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What are the symptoms of kids on diets?

Kids that are on self-motivated diets will usually lack energy, and overall health will be poor. Kids that are on medically supervised diets should be losing fat.

Are there diets for certain blood types?

It would appear so, as there are diets (or at least diet summaries) offered for each blood type (excluding extensions like "A positive" or "O-negative"). However, since this is still nothing more than a theory, one should still take the time to study these methods more carefully before taking this diet to practice!

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Deep cleanse body diets are the latest fad among celebrities today. These type of diets should not be used by anyone that has an ongoing medical problems.

Do crash diets work fast and effectively?

No, crash diets are terrible. Crash diets are unhealthy and can really hurt you if you are not careful. You should reach weight loss goals at a reasonable pace.

How do diets differ in different cultures?

no, all culture diets are the same! reason: different cultures think they should eat the same.

How does a food pyramid and a concept of food groups help in planning diets?

Diets can be better planned with the help of food groups and the food pyramid. It's important to know what is what and how it can help with achieving certain goals. The pyramid also helps with knowing what portions to consider in daily consumption.