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Humanity is as far from extinction as you can get. We are not declining. We are not being threatened. Our population is still rising. There is no way to save us from something that isn't happening.

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Q: Why should humanity be saved from extinction?
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white lions can be saved from extinction if people stop hunting them,and they need to have parks for them so they would increase

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Minority languages in danger of extinction can be saved & gain access to development if the government shows an interest in that particular language. To give a minority language chances for improvement governments should give it official status.

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by not catching them.

Why is saving species from extinction a good thing?

Yes, if you are going to save a species then they might as well be saved from extinction.

Why species are moving to extinction?

because theyr livingspace is running out and humanity is hunting them down

How can you bring awareness for tiger extinction?

Show people that they matter. Tell people about them and why they should be saved. Spread the word. If they become extinct then they will be nothing but the past.

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The bald eagle and the tiger are two animals saved from almost extinction

Are gorrilas threatened or endangered?

They are both. Endangered means a species is threatened to extinction, and they must be saved.

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Man seeks a good time, but he is not a hedonist! He seeks love, he just doesn't know where to look. He looks under the beds of wh*res and in the hot stem of a crack pipe. But he should look to nature. Gentle aquatic mammals have all the answers!

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No. He lost entirely, because Christ's Death on the Cross Saved humanity from their sins.

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Hinduism is very ancient Religion thus during thousand of years of time period humanity faced many near extinction events. Each time Supreme God came to rescue and saved Hindus known as different form each time.