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Q: Why should humans be careful about what they eat?
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be careful sometimes they eat humans

Can pirahnas eat humans?

Yes they can so if you want piranas careful with the feeding

How much fish should humans eat a day?

There is no required amount of fish that humans should eat in a day. Many humans go days without fish, and some people never eat fish.

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Are eastern newts poisonous?

No. But as long as you don't eat them. They eat poisonous mushrooms too so be careful!

Are fish good to eat out of a pond by humans?

If it was the only food you could find then, yes. However, there are fish that are poisonous, so be careful.

Why should humans save Tasmanian Devils?

Humans should save Tasmanian Devils because they eat the sick and dead animals.

Should humans eat every 4 hours?

No. Under ordinary circumstances humans should eat when they are hungry and stop when they are full. There may be some people who for special medical reasons have to eat in regular time intervals.

Can you eat sugarless gum with an expander?

I dont think you should because my cousin did, And he broke it. But if your careful then you should be okayy.

Should humans feed polar bears?

No. Polar bears will eat a human.

Should humans eat animal fat?

only if you need it or you cant resitist it

Can guinea pigs raman noodles?

no, they should not eat food meant for humans.