

Why should kids get exercise?

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12y ago

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just like adults, kids build fat and need to burn it off. the only difference is as we get older our metabolism slows and that's why you see adults working out more often than kids. excess fat for any human being in any age is unhealthy.

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12y ago
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Q: Why should kids get exercise?
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How many kids exercise?

not as many as should

How long should kids exercise and why?

children should exercise at least 1 hour per day

How much exercise should kids get in a week to stay healthy?

Overall, kids should exercise everyday for at least an hour to stay healthy and avoid issues such as obesity. Some exercises that kids can do are walk, jog, bike, swim, and many more. You should try and have kids do these activities to avoid the issues and to lead your kids to a healthy life style.

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because the get good exercise and its the heart healthy.

How much exercise should kids get?

60 minutes, that's what the Government says

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So they can get exercise in a fun way.

How many hours of exercise do kids need?

Kids should have at least one hour of exercise a day. However, this depends on how old the kid is. See 'related links' for more information.

How many calories should kids consume each day?

Kids should consume 2,000 calories everyday, but if they are athletic and like to exercise a lot, then they should consume 2,500 calories everyday.

Why should sports be in school?

its so kids wont get fat. its the only exercise some kids get. also people love sports like me

Is it true that some kids can't exercise?

One should not do heavy weight training before puberty as your bones and tissue are still developing. But Swimming and cycling should be fine as an exercise routine for children

Children should spent more time on studies rather than playingDo you agree or disagree?

i do believe that kids should play and get exercise and study regularly

Should kids work out?

Kids should work out because they need to be strong and healthy besides watching TV. They need to stretch their bones out and get less fat and make sure in the future that their kids don't get fat.