

Why should loyalists pay taxes?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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10y ago

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Sence everyone that gets a pay check pays taxes you should to. You call urself a loyalist, but you are asking why you should pay taxes? You dont sound to loyal to me. I hate paying taxes too but still got no choice. So pay them or work under the tabel get money any why you want, but if you get a pay check then your paying taxes.

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Of course, every citizen had to pay taxes. Since the Loyalist were considered a "colonist" they still had too .

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The patriots said that we should not be treated like this and we don't have that much money to pay all of your taxes.

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There were many colonists who didn't think taxes were a good reason for American independence, some were relatives of famous Patriots.The colonists who still remained loyal to Britain, even after the taxes, are called Loyalists.

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Taxes pay for roads, schools, and the military.

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yes rich people should pay more taxes because the middle class pays taxes to support the poor people there for the rich should help pay

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No, Employers pay it.

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Anyone who will able to work and gets a check should pay state taxes if the state takes them.

What colonists did not consider taxes a reaosn to rebel?

The American Loyalists did not consider taxes a reason to rebel. The Loyalists remained loyal to Britain even during the revolutionary war.