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Because if co-administration of those classes of drugs increase action many-fold, so serotonin levels will increase so massively that you may experience a serotonin syndrome, which is often lethal.

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Q: Why should one not take a ssri with an maoi?
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Is bupropion an MAOI?

No. It is one of thenewer classes of reuptake antidepressants

Are there any anti-depressants that don't contain fluoride?

Yes, there is one SSRI antidepressant with no fluoride and that is Zoloft or sertraline. There are also several older antidepressants from other classes (MAOI,TCA) that have no fluoride.

Is Pamelor an maoi?

No. It's an SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor), a "safer" class of antidepressants than MAOIs (monoamine oxidase). Paxil acts on one specific neurotransmitter in the brain (serotonin) wereas MAOIs act on several neurotransmitters (serotonin, dopamine, noradrenaline, and other amines).

Is Synthroid a MAOI?

No. Synthroid is T4 (levothyroxine), one of the thyroid hormones. MAOI drugs are older antidepressants.

What happens when you mix too many ssri drugs an too many pain killer drugs together?

You die. Don't take more than one SSRI at a time. Combining two SSRIs is of some danger, and doctors do it only as a desperate attempt. Combining SSRIs increases massively concentration of serotonin at the gap between the neuron synapses, which may cause serotonin syndrome which if untreated is fatal. I'm not expert on opiates, but respiratory depression which can be fatal. Don't take more than one opiate at once. Taking one SSRI and one opiate at a time, should not cause problems. I don't think that SSRIs and opiates interact much.

Mix hydrocodone and SSRI?

It is perfectly safe to take Selective Serotonin Re-uptake Inhibitors with hydrocodone. They do not interact or effect one another. SSRI's only affect the serotonin levels in your brain, hydrocodone blocks nerve receptors, which helps with pain. So any SSRI anti-depressant is safe to take with hydrocodone. Edit: I wouldn't say it is perfectly safe. Serotonin Syndrome can happen and isn't something you just brush off

Is Gabapentin a maoi?

Monoamine oxidase inhibitors, or MAOIs, are a class of drug that was one of the first used to treat depression. Gabapentin is a drug used to seizures and diabetic nerve pain. Gabapentin is not an MAOI.

What is a good antidepressent?

There are many excellent antidepressants, many of the best are in the class of SSRI antidepressants because they have fewer and less severe side effects than older types (e.g. MAOI antidepressants, tricyclic antidepressants).However what works for one person does not for another, so you and your psychiatrist may have to try several before finding a good antidepressant for you.

Is Prozac an ssri?

No. Pristiq contains the active ingredient Desvenlafaxine which is an SNRI (Serotonin and Noradrenaline Reuptake Inhibitor).

Can you take a antidepressant while taking methotrexate?

No, not if it is an MAOI. You will actually have to wait after stopping one before starting the other. They have some pretty serious interactions. Be sure to bring a full list of all mediations you are taking to your doctor so he can address any interactions.

Is it safe to take citalopram oxycodone neurontin atenelol and ambien on a daily basis in combination?

This combination is a complex one. Citalopram, as an SSRI, is often taken in combination with gabapentin (Neurontin), and atenolol. However, oxycodone (and Ambien) possess abuse potential, and should be discussed specifically and carefully with your prescribing physician.

What antidepressants would you give a person with Dissociative Identity Disorder?

This is a question that is always posted to heads of many doctors. It is difficult to fix upon one following kind of antidepressant because DID falls into different types. Some patients faces anxiety issues. So, they might need antianxiety medications to control their anxiety. Similarly, depression might be one of the reasons that DID came about. Thus, SSRI and MAOI can be used to reduce serotonin and norepinephrine. Therefore, no answer is guaranteed.