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When burned, sulfur yields toxic sulfur dioxide, which forms irritants in the atmosphere and contributes to acid rain.

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Q: Why should sulfur be removed from petrol?
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Why is sulphur removed from petrol before it is used as a fuel for motor vehicles?

Sulphur is removed from petrol in some countries because burning petroleum releases sulphur dioxide. This mixes with water vapour and rain in the atmosphere to cause acid rain.

What happen when petrol is in taken?

stupids i asked the question, then why should i answer it

What are the products formed when fuel such as petrol burns completely?

Mainly Water (H2O), Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Sulfur Dioxide (SO2), but mainly the first two. And if the petrol is broken down incompletely (without oxygen) Carbon Monoxide (CO) is produced instead of CO2.A:Carbon dioxide and water (mainly) but in case of incomplete combustion carbon monoxide and carbon (soot) too. The pollutants produced by petrol combustion are mainly nitrogen oxides and unburnt petrol.

Is petrol a liquid or a gas?

petrol is the liquid gasoline

How is petrol separated from the mixture of hydrocarbons?

Petrol is obtained from crude oil by fractional distillation and subsequent mixing of some of the fractions to obtain the desired properties. There are seasonal differences in petrol to facilitate vehicle operation under different climactic conditions. Some of the fractions for the petrol may be obtained by "cracking" higher molecular weight fractions to lower molecular weights. Some impurities, like sulfur, and some unsaturation of the fraction may be removed by treatment with hydrogen which replaces the impurity on the hydrocarbon molecule or adds hydrogen to the molecule to make it more stable. Some of the fractions may be treated to rearrange some of the molecules to make a more desireable product. It is a complex process that is highly dependant on the crude source, desired products, time of year, and the configuration of the refinery. From the same crude may come: fractions for making plastics, rubber, heating oil, diesel and gasoline fuels, lpg fuel, lubricants, solvents, petroleum coke, elemental sulfur, asphalt, bunker fuel oil, etc.

Related questions

Why is sulfur dioxide produced in a petrol engine?

because when petrol burns it produces sulfur dioxide

Why does sulfur have to be removed out of petrol and diesel before they are burnt?

When it is burnt, it will react with the oxygen making sulphur Dioxide, which is a harmful gas -- S(aq) +O2(g) ->SO2(g)

What happens if petrol burns with small amounts of sulfur?

In the case of fuel burning in the presence of sulfur the combustion results in the formation of some sulfur dioxide.

How can you separate sulfur from water?

Sulfur is insoluble in water so it can be removed by filtration.

How can sulfur dioxide be removed using calcium oxide?

Sulfur dioxide can be removed from a gas phase by making use of the reaction SO2 + CaO = CaSO3.

Why should petrol be saved?

Petrol should be saved. It is a limited resource.

What is removed when putting out a forest fire?

fire is removed and small pieces of fire petrol are covered with the fire extinguisher.

Why should the sulfur dioxide be removed from the waste gases?

Sulphur dioxide in waste gasses combines with water in the atmosphere to produce acid rain.

What kind of minerals are flammable?

Sulfur is a flammable mineral; also coal, petrol, organic salts etc.

Was lead removed from petrol because it was dangerous or it was cheaper to produce with out it?


Should you drink petrol?

No, you should not.

What happens to the body if it doesnt contain sulfur?

If the body does not contain sulfur, the person is dead. Tree roots, bacteria, or mold have removed the sulfur to make proteins necessary for life.