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We should be thankful to those he join the People Power I. why?

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Q: Why should you be thankful to the people who join the People Power I?
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Why should you thankful to the people who join the people power I?


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Who has the power within a democratic government?

The people are supposed to have the power, and in a pure democracy in whiich people get to vote on every important issue, the majority vote of the people would rule. In a reprsentative democracy, the people elect representative and the representatives vote on the issues. In this form of government, the people should still have the power, but that is dependent upon the representatives voting the way the people want them to. Unfortunately in this form of government, corruption and the power of special interests can result in the people losing the power they are supposed to have.

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Overthrow it and set up a new one that the majority of the people supports

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The people have the power, they elect and can represent other people

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people and,or citizens

Th anti- federalist attack the opening phrase' we the people of the US because?

The anti-federalists attacked the opening phrase, "We the people" because they felt that power should not be nationwide and that each state should have its own power.

What were john Locke's main ideas?

People are the source of government, power. Denies its power from the people, government is to meet the needs of their people if the government fails to do so, people have the right to overthrow of the government.He believed that people were born with natural rights like: life, liberty, and property.

When was People Have the Power created?

People Have the Power was created in 1988.

Did john Locke believe tha people can be trusted to govern?

John Locke believed that people could be trusted to govern. He believed that people had the right to life, liberty, and property. He said that people should have a word in who should be governing them !

Does the US Constitution give the people power or control their power?

The Constitution gives more power to the people.