

Why should you conserve energy?

Updated: 9/11/2023
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12y ago

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Because most of our current energy sources are not renewable, meaning their existence on earth is finite.

As fossil based fuels slowly dry up, eventually alternatives will become more and more practical.

This process will take time, a long period of time.

I predict you will see many forms of energy available in the future, your choices will be mind boggling.

However, all types of energy will be costly.

For the time being, it's prudent to be conserving energy.

If only those who preach conserving energy did likewise themselves!

It's not enough to listen to our president tell us..."we are addicted to oil".

Rather, offer us ideas, mandates, timetables, charts, suggestions.

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13y ago

Many reasons:

Save yourself and your country money.

Pollute the environment less with fuel byproducts and mining/drilling waste.

Reduce heating of the atmosphere.

Reduce health risks associated with chemicals and electromagnetic fields.

Reduce concern for using up non-renewable energy resources in the near future.

(Oil is used to make many things like plastics, not just for fuel.)

And many more...

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