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Q: Why should you go to Athens in the ancient times?
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What are the legacies of ancient Athens?

please go to the google and search

What are legacies of ancient Athens?

please go to the Google and search

What were some differences Sparta and Athens had?

SPARTA: best military in greece, and defeated athens. Not a great learning community, and trained for war almost constantly. ATHENS: The best place to go in ancient times, a luxurious place for citizens. Hope I helped:)

Olympic events go way back what city is it?

Athens? The capital of Ancient Greece would be Athens, if that is what you're looking for...

In ancient Athens, did girls go to school?

No. Girls were home schooled by their mothers.

How big is Athens army?

the size of Athens is 32 meters. It is huge you should go there. Did you now that someone ran around Athens 5 times!

What are facts about ancient Athens?

Athens was more of a city-state that weren't as involved in the military as the Spartans were. Athens was more involved in the navy. Girls in Athens had to do mustily hose hold chores, and they were not aloud to vote. When i came to acting, only men could act. (as you can tell women did not have a lot to do in the picture.) Anyway, if you want to find more research you should really go to-Athens vs Sparta

What are the good and bad things about Athens living stlye?

The good things about ancient Athens is, Athens is they had really good poets, they had great mathematics skills, they also have great artist. The bad things about ancient Athens is women didn't have many freedoms like the freedom to vote, go to the agora and all the things the men get to. Also another good things about Athens is it is still the capital of Greece, but Sparta is not a city anymore.

Do barefoot carmelites really go barefoot?

Not in this times but yes in ancient times

What are the ancient Greece laws?

In Spartar children had to go to school at the age of 6 until first adult year. In Athens everyone had to go to a public school

How many times did Athens and Sparta go to war?

Athens and Sparta did not fight each other in isolation. They fought as allies and as adversaries in various conflicts over a couple of hundred years. So Athens did not defeat Sparta or Sparta defeat Athens. They were involved in wider conflicts in the battles.

What type of education did children get if they came from a poorer family in ancient Athens?

i don't know!! go to another website!! this one is gay!!!