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So you don't go too much. Going too much is bad for you, im not saying twice a day is bad, but 4 times might be, because your body may not be absorbing nutrients from the food you eat because its being "rushed" out by the laxative. The use of laxatives as a way to lose or control weight is not only dangerous, but irrational. Continued laxative use can cause bloating, cramping, dehydration, electrolyte disturbances and imbalances, cardiac arrhythmias, irregular heart beat and heart attack, renal problems, and death.

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Q: Why should you only take laxatives for a short time?
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How long should you take laxatives to lose weight and do you even lose fat?

You should NOT take laxatives to lose weight as it is dangerous to your health. You don't lose fat by taking them, but you do lose valuable fluids and essential nutrients.

How long can you use laxatives?

Extended use of laxatives makes the bowel muscles weak and flabby. You should only use them for a short time. Instead, eat 2 or 3 servings of fresh fruit per day along with fresh vegetables. When you arise in the morning, drink 2 glasses of water, and drink water all day. You can take 500-1000mg of vitamin C per day to help loosen things up.

What should you do if you cant poop?

Take laxatives to increase and soften stool and bowl movements

Should you take water with laxatives?

You shouldn't eat for a while, because the laxatives will be trying to rid your body of whatever food and substance it has in the stomach. Eating soon after taking the laxatives would only complicate the process, and possibly make it more painful.

The best thing to do for constipation is to take laxatives?

Of course it is, if it is ok with your PCP and other physicians, if you follow instructions carefully, and if you do not become dependent on them. Your physicians should know about otc laxatives that you take, and about how you take them (frequency, dose, etc).

Will laxatives interfere when im on my period?

It is all right to take laxatives when you are having your period.

Who should not take laxatives?

A woman who is pregnant should never use a laxative. Neither should anyone who is experiencing abdominal pain, nausea, or vomiting.

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How many laxatives do bulimics take each day?

It depends on the person, some might not take any laxatives, and some might take way too many.

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Can laxatives cause miscarriages?

Not the mild ones but you should always consult your doctor before taking any new meds.

What happens when you take laxatives and dont eat anything?

You will deydrate...