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freedom of speech is a massive argument. Who are we to say that people can't smoke. I personally am not a smoker, but have many friends that are and have tried it on different occasions. Although it does harm your body, many people argue that if you live in a true democracy you should be able to do what you want, and since tobbaco smoking is such a tradition across the world, and has no effects like drugs, there is no reason it should be made illegal.

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Q: Why shouldn't we ban tobacco?
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Can you take chewing tobacco on a cruise?

Yes. Cruises do not ban chewing tobacco.

Where is there a full tobacco ban?

I don't think anywhere has one :(

Why did they ban tobacco ads and not alcohol ads?

Technically speaking, TV reaches more young people and Tobacco is worse for you than alcohol.

Did Obama ban smoking tobbacco?

It is still legal to smoke tobacco, although not in all locations. Obama has introduced no new law to ban smoking.

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No you shouldnt because before technology started growing the kids were out feeding the chickens at age ten

Why cigarettes should be illegal?

No more so than cigarettes or other tobacco products .

How much money is spent on tobacco products annually?

It would cost millions to ban tobacco from the US. Tobacco is the biggest public health threat that the US has ever had to face. About 200 billion dollars go to annual health care and kills about 435,000 people a year.

What type of service in the internet would you like to be ban?

You should probably not be allowed to buy alcohol, tobacco, firearms and prescription drugs on the internet.

What did the FDA say about the ingredients in electronic cigarettes?

The FDA tried to say a lot about them, the court only allowed some claims however.The court denied that these were improved medical devices, and denied the ban on their use like other tobacco products (because the chemicals claimed by the FDA to ban smoking were not present), and only allowed the FDA to regulate the devices as a tobacco products under that limits.

What will happen if a total ban is imposed on cigarette?

Well in Virginia the state legislators would look up at the ceiling. Painted on the ceiling are golden leaves of tobacco.