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The chemicals can burn your scalp so if you already have an open wound it will get burned worse.

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Q: Why shouldn't you perm your hair if you have sores on your scalp?
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Do you perm your scalp when you get a perm?

no, just the hair.

Why can't you scratch your head before you get a perm?

Because If You Scratch It , The Scratching Will Open Your Pores And Make The Perm Burn And Cause Sores On Your Scalp.

What can be used to clean perm out of hair?

Perms are chemical. A perm can not be cleaned out of the hair. A perm can only be removed by other chemicals, or time will wear a perm out. If you choose to remove your perm with chemical perm remover, you take a big risk of the added chemicals doing damage to your hair and scalp.

What effect does pre perm treatments have on the hair structure?

Perm lotion is an alkali and when it is applied to the hair it makes it swell and opens the cuticle. When the perm is applied it has easier access getting into the scalp.

Can you put a keratin treatment on perm hair?

I know you can treat your hair after a perm but not a treatment on before a perm because you will irritate your scalp because of the scratching but if you do treat your hair before give it at least 48 hours to set .

Do you wash hair before wave perm?

no because it will burn your scalp up. if i was you i wouldnt do it

Can you get your hair colored day after perm?

Its not advisable, might make your scalp sensitive. Perhaps give it at least a week or two for your scalp to rest.

Before getting a perm can you scratch or comb your hair?

You should not comb or scratch your scalp before you apply a perm. Perms contain very harsh chemicals and you would not want to apply it to a scalp that has any open cuts.

If you have nappy hair and then you get a perm can you put weave in it after a while?

yes, but you wont be able to moisturize your scalp as much

What must you check on the scalp before proceeding with a perm?

Before a perm the scalp must be totally checked over for any scratches, cuts, infections

How long does a perm stay in?

A perm is permanent. It doesn't matter about the straightness of your hair. A perm breaks down the bonds in the hair that make it straight. The perm will last until your hair grows out.

Can you perm after micro braids?

BYes u can....I do all the time....I have my micro braids in for 2 months gtake them out comb your hair throughly grease your scalp and relaxer your hair....but always your ends trim also