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Q: Why shouldn't you pour boiling water into a cold glass?
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Can you pour boiling water on crystal without cracking it?

If the glass is warm then you can, however when I put boiling water into a cold glass it smashed so ... Yes you can put boiling water into a glass, just not a cold one (Y) Yes... but if the room (and the glass) is cold, expect bad results... You might get lucky though... When I have a cold, I mix the cold medicine with hot water in a glass, and only once in my life has the glass ever smashed in those circumstances... I rarely put hot water into glasses otherwise...

Is it correct to say a cold glass of water or a glass of cold water?

It depends If the water is cold and the temp of glass don;t matter than it is glass of cold water If the glass is cold and the temp of the water don't matter than it is cold glass of water People normally use glass of cold water

What effect do glass beads have on the boiling point of water?

bringing water to boil is effective in killing or inactivating most bacteria viruses and pathogens .according to the wilderness medical society water temperatures above 160 degree kill all pathogens

Why sodium chloride is soluble in cold water but not in boiling water?

Sodium chloride is also soluble in boiling water.

Is the composition of bubbles in boiling water the same as the bubbles that appear when cold water heats up?

They are the same. When cold water heats up and bubbles that means it is boiling.

Why does salt dissolve differently in cold water then it does boiling water?

It freeze in cold and disolve in boilng

Is cold water heating up to its boiling point a chemical change?

cold water heating up to its boiling point a physical change or a chemical change

What is the temperature of a glass of cold water?

it depends how cold it is

Can steel be rusted by cold luke and boling water?

It requires water and oxygen. Cold, lukewarm, or boiling water will do it. Boiling can introduce some other types of errosion/corrosion, also.

What happens when warm water makes a cold glass crack?

When warm water makes a cold glass crack it contracts.

Which water should be cold and cold when doing a old remedy for a pair of nested drinking glasses?

Put cold water inside the glasses. Dip the outer glass into hot water. The outer glass expands, the inner glass contracts.

Why boiling water is used instead of cold water when potassium manganate is dropped in the boiling water?

Potassium Manganate (VII) also called potassium permanganate, dissolves very quickly in hot water and much slower in cold water.