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Jesus said, do this in memory of me. But, he did not say how often to do this ceremony.

There are those that are not comfortable with communion. And it can be a rather challenging logistics issue to serve some 400 people in a few minutes. It makes it easy for people to know when and where it is being offered.

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Q: Why some churches take communion every first Sundays of the month?
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How often is communion observed at the church of god church?

Really that is dependent on the Assemblies of God Church. More traditional churches in the Assemblies of God still practice communion every Sunday. Most Assemblies of God churches have gone to practicing communion once a month typically either the first Sunday of the month or on Missions Sunday.

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Really that is dependent on the Assemblies of God Church. More traditional churches in the Assemblies of God still practice communion every Sunday. Most Assemblies of God churches have gone to practicing communion once a month typically either the first Sunday of the month or on Missions Sunday.

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Usually, on the first three consecutive Sundays after the Baptism, and thereafter as often as possible. Communion is also very important for adults to receive every few weeks or more often if possible.

Are the Episcopal First Communion papers valid in a Catholic Church?

No, the person would have to undergo instructions and receive their First Communion in the Catholic Church. The theologies concerning the Eucharist of the two Churches diverges considerably.

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The plural form of the first person, personal pronoun 'I' is 'we':We went to my church on Sunday.The plural form of the first person, possessive adjective 'my' is 'our':We went to our church on Sunday.The plural form of the noun 'church' is 'churches':We went to our churches on Sunday.The plural form of the proper noun 'Sunday' is 'Sundays':We go to our churches on Sundays.

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Some churches use leavened bread for Communion because they believe the appropriate bread for the Lord's Supper is the common bread of the local community. Other churches use unleavened bread in recognition of the Jewish feast of Passover, which was the occasion at which Jesus first instituted the rite of Communion. Each choice is supported by valid but differing theological viewpoints.

When do children receive Holy Communion in Catholic Churches?

Roman Catholic AnswerSince Pope Pius X, at the turn of the century, beginning of the twentieth century, the age for First Holy Communion was lowered to the age of reason. So children receive their first Confession, followed by their first Holy Communion around the age of seven or eight.

What feast day is the First Communion celebrated on?

First Communions are celebrated on different dates in every parish.

When are christians allowed to receive there First Communion?

In order to do Communion, you have to take special classes that are around 3 months long and the Pastor/Preacher teaches the class. The classes are about communion, baptisim, the Ten Commandments etc. and once a person passes all the classes and attended all of them, the then go into Confimation which is a big deal. In confirmation the person has to memorize afew things and then they are confirmed and have their first communion. From then on, in the next church services(Sundays), the person can take communion. Before Confirmation even happens, the person cannot do communion.

Is the Philadelphia art museum free on sundays?

The first Sunday of every month it is free.

Frequency of communion service in the Methodist?

The United Methodist Church recommends Communion be served frequently. A recent resolution recommends weekly celebration of Communion. In practice, while more churches are moving to weekly communion, most churches celebrate Communion once a month.John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist movement, recommended receiving The Lord's Supper as often as one could. Another answer It depends on the Methodist Church and the member. Some churches still have communion infrequently (monthly or less) and some members still only receive communion on special occasions (such as Christmas, Easter, Pentecost and so on). However, as stated above, many Methodist Churches are increasing the frequency of receiving communion, or 'The Lord's Supper'. This will bring them more into line with the Anglican Church (where communion is usually weekly) as a result of the Anglican/Methodist Covenant that makes the promise that the two denominations should work more closely together in the future, possibly resulting, one day, in a united Church.

Is it ok to take communion at other churches?

.Catholic AnswerCertainly not, first of all, one may never TAKE Holy Communion. One may only RECEIVE Holy Communion, and that only in a Catholic Church and IF one has been to Confession recently. Given those conditions, yes, one may receive Holy Communion at another Catholic Church; certainly not at any heretical sect nor at one of our separated brethren. The former, the various protestant denominations are not actually "Churches" having no valid priesthood, no valid sacraments, etc. To participate in one of their services is to apostatize and to declare that you are no longer a Catholic. The later, the Orthodox Churches, the old Catholic Churches, Polish National Churches, and chapels run by St. Pius X priests are all in schism and are not in inter-communion with the Catholic Church.