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certain geological conditions are needed for their formation in deposits large enough to

be worth mining

areas of old hard igneous rocks / old shield area (e.g. Canada, Baltic, Southern Africa) is

one example

another is in young fold mountain ranges with recent and great earth movements

fossil fuels relate to presence of tropical forests / shallow swamps 150-300 million years


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6mo ago

The distribution of minerals on Earth's surface is influenced by geological processes. Minerals are concentrated in certain areas due to processes like volcanic activity, tectonic activity, and weathering. Areas with active volcanoes or tectonic plate boundaries are more likely to have mineral-rich deposits, while areas with little geological activity may have fewer minerals. Climate and weathering also play a role, as certain minerals may be dissolved or washed away over time in wetter environments.

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Q: Why some parts of the Earth's surface are mineral-rich while others are mineral-poor?
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