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Why some workers do not join trade union?

The Reasons are:

1. The Lack of a compelling reason.

2. They identify with management.

3. They distrust Union.

4. They fear the corruption in Union.

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Many newer nurses are unfamiliar with the horrible working conditions that nurses historically experienced. Nurses were forced to rotate 3 shifts; were prevented from going home at the end of their shift (mandatory Overtime) and could be told to anything from mop the floors to take care of 40 patients alone. If a nurse was too assertive or outspoken she was terminated or harrassed so badly that she was forced to leave. Unionization has given the nurse a voice and portection from unfair disparate treatment. We have won protections against Forced Overtime. It is everyones responsibility to pay their share of the cost of being represented. Of course it takes money but it is money well spent and it is selfish to expect your peers to pay for your protection.

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In the United States, and many other nations, workers are allowed to freely choose whether to join a labor union or not. In some states in the US workers cannot be forced to join labor unions. These so called "right to work laws" prohibit unions from requiring that workers become union members as a condition of employment. In some states, workers must become a member of that union, that has negotiated a collective bargaining agreement, or lose their job. Today, even non union workers, have received the benefits that labor unions have gained for their members, like safe working conditions, better pay, pension plans, and health insurance. In some dictatorial nations, like China and North Korea, labor unions are either banned or controlled by the government.

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forcing new employees to sign "yellow dog" contracts, in which workers promised never to join a union or participate in a strike.

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Some of the disadvantages of being in a trade union include having to deal with blanket treatments for an industry. Some of the decisions made by the trade union may be in the best interest of the whole industry but not of an individual farm.

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A trade union (British English) or labor union (American English) is an organization of workers who have banded together to achieve common goals such as better working conditions. The trade union, through its leadership, bargains with the employer on behalf of union members (rank and file[1] members) and negotiates labour contracts (collective bargaining) with employers. This may include the negotiation of wages, work rules, complaint procedures, rules governing hiring, firing and promotion of workers, benefits, workplace safety and policies. The agreements negotiated by the union leaders are binding on the rank and file members and the employer and in some cases on other non-member workers.

What are the merits and demerits of registered trade union?

Registered trade unions protect the workers in the union. Funds from these unions cannot be spent on any other activity except that which is mentioned in the act. Members cannot be punished under the Indian Penal Code unless it is offensive. Some disadvantages are they can set up separate political funds which sometimes causes misunderstanding. Law limits the freedom to fire the workers who strike unnecessarily.

What is the difference between trade unionism and ideology?

Ideology is the pattern or cluster of ideas accepted by a political party or other voluntary group. Trade unionism is the preference among some workers for organizing or joining a union at their current employer. Union members need not share any ideology, they must just pay dues.