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Its not, steam and water vapor, both gaseous forms of water, are invisible. Water on earth's surface, below it's surface, or in its atmosphere is only visible in the form of liquid or ice. Its possible that under pressure conditions elsewhere in the universe that gaseous water could be visible.

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Q: Why steam is sometimes visible as in winter?
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When the warm air from your lungs meets the very cold air of winter it condenses into visible water vapour. This is the steam you see.

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There are more than 40 visible constellations during Winter.

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What makes steam visible to the human eye?

Answer: we are able to see it because the steam is evaporating Answer: Actually, steam is invisible. What we see is small droplets of water, which appear when the steam cools down.

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It starts to be visible in the northern hemisphere's autumn, but it isn't really properly visible until winter arrives. It is then visible throughout the winter before disappearing in early spring.

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Where is the constellation Leo during the winter?

During the winter it is not always visible because it is still below the horizon at night. Towards the end of the winter you will start to see it and in the early months of the year, it becomes more visible.

Why do people breathe out water vapor on winter days?

Steam is created when the cold air hits warm breath.The reaction of the warm breath hitting the cold air creates steam. Steam is water in vapor form.

What time of the year is Orion visible in the northern hemipshere?

It is visible throughout the winter months of the northern hemisphere.

What Constellation that is visible during winter months?

Lots of constellations are visible during the winter months. About half of the constellations are above the horizon, and therefore usually visible, at any given moment. What constellations are visible would also depend on whether you live north or south of the equator (this affects the definition of "winter"), on the specific month, and the time of night.

What do Javelinas do in the winter?

Javelinas during the winter can breed or be born, but mostly they will stay hidden and safe quiet. Since it snows in the winter, their coat becomes more visible because it is pepper-colored and in their other habitats it is less visible.