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1. They might not pay attention during class because they keep messing with uncomfortable clothes.

2. Uniforms stifles their self-expression. Childhood is the time for self-expression. If you can't express yourself during childhood, you won't be allowed to do it later. Certainly not in the military, only to a certain extent in college, certainly not on the job, and likely not after marriage.

3. Ironically, uniforms teach snobbishness and bullying. It sends the message that you are not worth anything unless you look like everyone else. Teaching "professionalism" is not necessarily a good thing, since that usually means teaching snobbery and intolerance for difference and change. Teaching others to live lies and pretend to be people other than who they are is never good. If students are not exposed to difference early in life and disciplined each time they disrupt or bully because someone looks a little different, then that simply causes them to want to do so as soon as they leave the sheltered environment of school.

4. Uniforms and excessive, unreasonable dress codes stifle creativity. The students who want to express themselves the most often are the most intelligent and have the most to offer. But forcing them to be someone else just so the bullies and low-income students can feel more comfortable is unfair to them. Most of the students who are suspended for what they wear are high academic achievers.

5. They contribute to victim-blaming. We would never tell a victim of sexual assault that she asked for it because of what she was wearing. But uniforms send the message that students should get bullied if they don't wear what others want them to wear. Getting sent home for being out of uniform is really no better then getting physically attacked by another student because of what you choose to wear. Both are types of bullying.

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12y ago

students need to express individuality. you may think that people may get picked on according to what clothes they were, but bullies are always going to find a way to pick on them no matter what. also students from others schools are likely to pick on that school because of their uniform

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Q: Why students should not have to wear uniforms?
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Should students have to wear uniforms?

I think students should have to wear uniforms, so parents and kids wouldn't have to worry about what they are wearing!!!! Dah!!!

Tell me a paragraph about why students should wear school uniforms?

Students should be made to wear school uniforms for a few different reason. Every school should have uniforms so that all students are wearing the same thing and can be bullied for that they wear.

Why should students wear uniforms at there schools?

Uniforms promote a sense of equality among students, reduce distractions related to clothing choices, and foster a sense of belonging to the school community. Uniforms also help to create a more focused learning environment by minimizing peer pressure related to fashion.

Should students be allowed to wear uniforms?

NO because student cant wear what they want

Should teacher wear uniform?

Yes because we have to and they are going to school

Should schools require their students to wear school uniforms?

Yes Then The Students Won't Be Lost

Why do students wear uniforms?

students wear unifoms because of

Should students wear uniforms to school'?

No, they aren't as bad as people think they are, Because school uniforms prevents getting bullied about what students wear or what they can afford. Also they help students that can't afford clothing

What motivates students who wear uniforms?

they are not motivated to wear them, they have a rule to wear them. Uniforms makes it easier to identify students and adds a sense of responsability and disipline to the students.

Should high school students wear uniform?

High school students wearing uniforms is very rare because they are OK usually with if they just wear normal clothes. I agree they probably should not have to where uniforms cause they are high school students!

Should students wear uniformes?

Whether or not students should wear uniforms is merely opinionated. On one hand making students wear uniforms could be a good idea and on the other may not be. By wearing what the student chooses (following dress code) students are able to express his or her own originality. Students who wear uniforms can not do this. I enjoy being able to wear a pair of jeans and a T-shirt instead of a uniform. Other may enjoy knowing exactly what he or she will wear on a daily basis. Wearing uniforms could save parents money on buying their children "the latest fashions" but the price of uniforms may be too costly for most families in this economy. The tables can go both ways on whether or not students should wear uniforms. Being a high school student, I would say students should not have to wear uniforms to school.

Why should school uniforms not be required?

because then the students don't get to wear what they like to wear and they think it is not fair in my opinion