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Because as DDT made its way up through the food chain from plankton to grebes the concentration of insecticide magnified until it was fatally high in the birds

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Q: Why such a high dosage of ddt found in grebes?
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Is it bad for birds to build up ddt?

DDT in high concentration is a danger for all living beings.Today DDT is banned, excepting several limited applications.

Can you use ddt powder to kill head lice?

DDT is very efficient but not recommended because of his high toxicity.

How could an animal living hundreds of kilometers away for an area sprayed with DDT still be at risk from DDT poisoning?

Many animals migrate at specific times of the year. An organism with DDT in its tissues may migrate a distance from the area it was sprayed; it may be consumed by a carnivore that would store a higher concentration of DDT in its body tissue. Migrating birds can carry DDT in their bodies even though they inhabit and can be consumed in an ecosystem that is distant from the one that is sprayed. The peregrine falcon is a species of bird found to have high concentrations of DDT in its body. The habitat of the falcon is quite broad, ranging from the North American boreal forest to areas of the southern United States. Falcon prey on organisms in areas where use of DDT is still prevalent, then migrate to areas where the use of DDT has been banned.

Is DDT biodegradable?

No. It is still found, even in pristine environments, decades after its use was banned.

How does an animal living hundreds of kilometers from an area sprayed with DDT might get DDT in its body?

Many animals migrate at specific times of the year. An organism with DDT in its tissues may migrate a distance from the area it was sprayed; it may be consumed by a carnivore that would store a higher concentration of DDT in its body tissue. Migrating birds can carry DDT in their bodies even though they inhabit and can be consumed in an ecosystem that is distant from the one that is sprayed. The peregrine falcon is a species of bird found to have high concentrations of DDT in its body. The habitat of the falcon is quite broad, ranging from the North American boreal forest to areas of the southern United States. Falcon prey on organisms in areas where use of DDT is still prevalent, then migrate to areas where the use of DDT has been banned.

Is DDT a parasite?

DDT is an insecticide.

Is DDT flammable?

DDT is flammable.

Is DDT is fertiliser?

DDT is an insecticide.

Why does DDT exist?

DDT is a pesticide.

What is DDT and what does it have to do with bio magnification?

DDT is dichlorodiphenyltrichlorethane; biomagnification of DDT in some organisms is possible.

In wrestling what is a ddt?

DDt is a Pesticide and/or a wrestling move. The chemical name is Dichloro-Diphenyl-Trichloroethane.DDT is a chemical that helped stop malaria by killing the was largely used during the second world war in order to kill insects.Chemical

Who are the DDT?

DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) is a strong insecticide.