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Q: Why take a baby aspirin for protein in the blood?
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How long does it take for blood to normalize after you stop taking baby aspirin?

it takes six months

What strength of Tylenol can you take with baby aspirin?

Aspirin and Tylenol are unrelated. You can take the full recommended dose of Tylenol (acetominophen) if you are taking a baby aspirin.

When would aspirin be contraindicated?

They should take it if they have a fever, if they have a headache, or if they have any muscle soreness. Also, aspirin lowers blood pressure, so some people take a baby aspirin a day to keep their blood pressure down.

Is aspirin good for hypothyroidism?

It's okay to take aspirin while taking synthroid. (Do not take more than what is recommended on the package of aspirin.) If you are considering taking aspirin daily for your heart, it should be a baby aspirin or 1/2 tablet of plain aspirin.

Can you take Baby Aspirin Toviaz and Cymbalta at the same time or should you spread out over the day?

Toviaz is safe to take with both baby aspirin and cymbalta.

What is the best time of day to take a baby aspirin for your heart?

what is the best time of the day to take a baby aspirin for my heart

Why do some people take aspirin to make their blood thin?

aspirin has been shown to improve blood flow by thinning blood temporarily

Is baby aspirin bad to take with Cymbalta?


What does baby aspirin 81 mg T PO QD Qty?

81mg baby aspirin T PO QD means to take one 81mg tablet of baby aspirin by mouth every day.

Can you substitute baby aspirin for real aspirin?

Yes, you can. Baby aspirin is the same as regular aspirin, just 1/4 of the regular amount (81mg instead of 330 mg). Since aspirin causes stomach bleeding, it is advisable to only take small amounts of it. 1-2 pills of baby aspirin usually works fine for me.

Can you take a baby aspirin two hours before a fasting blood test?

You should NEVER give aspirin to someone under the age of 19 years. It can result in Reye's Syndrome, which can be lethal, or cause severe brain damage.

What can you use a blood thinner naturally if you can't take aspirin?

i cant take asprin so what will thin my blood