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Q: Why telescopes on earth only analyze radio ultraviolent and visible light waves?
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Related questions

Why are there no astronomical telescopes in orbit?

There are several astronomical telescopes in orbit. The most famous is of course the Hubble, but COROT, MOST, and the Swift Gamma-Ray Burst Observer are all visible light telescopes in orbit around Earth, and there's another - Kepler - that doesn't orbit Earth, but does orbit the Sun. There are also a multitude of orbital telescopes that use segments of the electromagnetic spectrum other than visible. Spitzer, for example, uses infrared light (it's another solar orbiter).

N what year will Halleys Comet again be visible to people on Earth?

Probably around the year 2060, depending on how good our telescopes are by then.

Is earth a star floating in space or not?

Earth is not a star at all - it is a planet. And nothing 'floats" in space, our sun, the nine planets, and everything else visible from earth through telescopes - as well as everything that isn't visible - is moving at tremendous speed through the universe.

Which planet has the biggest with rings most easily seen orbiting it?

Saturn - it's rings are visible using small telescopes from Earth.

What was the last comet to be seen from earth?

It's impossible to answer that, but I can tell you whenit was seen: right now.There are nearly always at least a few comets visible from Earth through telescopes.

If you were on Jupiter could you see the asteroid belt?

The main asteroid belt is about 1.7 AU from Earth, whereas from Jupiter it would be about 3.3 AU. From Earth, only the largest asteroids are visible and that's with very good telescopes. So you'd need even better telescopes to see it from Jupiter.

Why are telescopes observations better on the moon than on earth?

Observations from Earth-based telescopes are obscured by the atmosphere.

Is the Milky Way Galaxy the only galaxy that can be seen from Earth?

There are other galaxies visible from Earth. Among them are the SMC (Small Magellanic Cloud) and LMC (Large Magellanic Cloud), and the Andromeda Galaxy (M31). These are just the ones visible to the naked eye at nighttime, of course. There are over 100 billion visible by other means, including telescopes used on ground or orbiting Earth.

Methods that are used to explore the universe?

The universe can be explored by astronomical instruments called telescopes, and by space probes sent from earth to other planets. When using telescopes astronomers try to look at the energy being produced by the universe not just in the visible part of the spectrum (where our eyes can see) but at the whole range of electromagnetic radiation. We thus have radio telescopes, infrared telescopes, X-ray telescopes and even some telescopes that are buried deep underground looking for neutrinos. Most of the telescopes are set in mountains for they can rich more.

How are space telescopes controlled?

Radio signals are sent from Earth, to operate the telescopes.

How are telescopes used in astronomy?

Telescopes are used to see things that are far away from earth. Using telescopes we can see things that are millions of miles away. Most of the telescopes are on Earth but some of them are in space such as the Hubble Space Telescope.

How far is the wolf 359 from the earth?

Wolf 359 is a tiny red dwarf star 7.8 light-years away. At magnitude 13, it is not visible in hobbyist-class telescopes.